30 - Palpatine Teaches Lunch

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After eating chocolate cake, Palpatine realized it was already lunch time. "Tell no one I gave y'all free chocolate cake," he said. No one had tattletaled on him. They went to the cafeteria which was a small room that had a bunch of mushy food and a big table.

Hux skipped everyone in line and yelled, "Me first!" The lunch man putted macaroni and cheese onto his tray. "You better enjoy. I legit had to make it, myself," said the lunch man. Hux nodded and happily skipped over to a table. Yoda was next. "Tasty, it is," said Yoda when he got his macaroni and cheese.

Everyone eventually went to one large table. "Hey, this has been so much fun dude meeting all you Star Wars characters," said Ron to the Star Wars characters. Anakin nodded. "You guys are cool. Wish I could shoot magic out of a wand."

"You guys get to choke people with the Force!" Said Harry. All of a sudden, Hux got up and screamed, "YOUR FAT!" To Ron. Yoda glared at Hux. " Fat, you are too," Yoda said wisely. "Get your ex-Weasley looking butt out you will. Or suffer, the Force from me."

"Dang Yoda!" Said Harry. Hux ran away, like a baby. "Ex-Weasley?" Asked Ron. Yoda sighed. "Explain soon, I will."

Draco gave Yoda a look of respect. "You seem good for roasting. Join me, and we can roast the galaxy."

"No!" Said Lucius dropping his fork. "Don't give in to the Dark side!"

Draco looked at his dad and said, "Dad, you pretty much are the Dark side. And since when did you start hating on people who roasts others?" Lucius stared at his son is disbelief. "D-Did you just call me dad?" He asked. "I mean father not dad," said Draco.

"Well that happened," said Obi Wan.

"Yes, happen that did," said Yoda, literally saying what Obi Wan said. No one paid attention to the new awkward tension between Lucius and Draco but Harry. Harry was gonna test something out. "Get the popcorn!" Harry yelled out of nowhere. All of a sudden, popcorn legit came out of nowhere and onto Draco's hand. "Here," he said, handing Harry the popcorn.

For some strange reason, whenever people yelled, "Get the popcorn," Draco always had some to give. Maybe he had magic, other than like spells and shinztle. Maybe he had other food too he can give. Anyways, that doesn't matter because Palpatine entered the caferteria and said, "Ooh, macaroni!" and clapped his hands.

He went to the lunch man and killed him by throwing hot sauce at him. Palpatine took the macaroni and ate it like a pig. A lot of people have him a "what the fudge?" look. Palpatine realized that he just killed a freaking lunch dude in front of people. "Whoops?" He whispered.


After School

Yoda was walking to his new home. Palpatine had made a huge house for all the Star Wars and Harry Potter characters to hang out. Yoda believed he was gonna share a room with Obi Wan. He and all the other guys went to the house, and Yoda ran to the room. Obi Wan had beat him. Oh thank God, Yoda may be a Jedi who help bring peace to the galaxy, but he was a bit antisocial. He only liked Obi and Harry.

"What do you think of the Harry Potter characters?" Asked Obi Wan.

"Good, they are. Like Draco I don't. But when he roasts, great it is," said Yoda. Obi Wan nodded. "Yeah I like them. But why does Palpatine want us to go to some random school?"

Palpatine entered the room. "Thats because...I like school," He said and waa going to leave. Obi Wan gave a suspicious look at Palpatine when he left. "I sense a disturbance in the Force," sajd Obi.

Yoda nodded. He felt it too. A strange awakening, also. Little did they know that a monster would be unleashed, and soon a fight between Star Wars and Harry Potter would break out...

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