gas station roadhog x reader

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Roadhog and junkrat had layed low after they stole some money. Now it was late at night, probily 4 am. Road hog adjusted his mask as they walked down a dark and damp ally.

"Oi, roadie! Ye think we lost them?" The tall yet thin man smirked looking at his silent friend. "You're right, we lost 'em." Junkrat strutted happily though they had been running for a while.

Roadhog gave a soft sigh watching rat jump aroun  And keep going. They had lost their bike in the chase yesterday, so most of the stuff they had was gone.

"Jamie." His low and rough voice brought the thing man to look at him. He gave a raised brow but understood what his friend was trying to say.

"Yeah, I'm tuckered out too." He said, but litterly this man could never be tired.

With another grunt roadhog waved at rat and turned in the corner of the allyway.

"Oi! Where are ye goin?" Rat put a prep in his step to quickly follow. All junkrat got in response was a grunt which made him smile.

"Oooh! Why didn't you say So? Lead the way!" He gave his signature crazy laugh.

Junkrat had no idea where they where heading, but he did know it was a place roadie went to when he was in the area.

In the distance they could see the light poll flickering by a 24/7 gas station. The lights where on but no one was inside, or from atlest from what they could tell. Even if Roadhog knew who was in there.

Since they where well known criminals, junk was surprised seeing how his big fella gently opened the door. Making the small bell jingle. There was silence as they walked in.

"Wow, this place is empty isn't it buddy?" He spoke loudly only for his large friend to put his hand over his head and pointed to someone.

Their head was in a book, asleep. Their (h/l) hair covering their face with a soft snore. They where sitting in an old chair to keep them from falling. This poor person had to work the night shift alone.

Junkrat instantly understood what roadhog was saying. "Ooh, ok ok, I'll be quiet." He laughed and jumped down the I'll take to get some food.
Though he was litterly still yelling.

The large man went up to the counter where they where sleeping. He gave a small chuckle remembering the time he first came here, and you almost shit your pants, but now not so much.
He remembered how (y/n) didn't know how to fill the silence once they got over a criminal in a gas station, but over time the two grew. The place was run down but it was nice. Atlest it didn't smell.

With a small grunt roadhog moved his hand to tap the shoulder of (y/n)
Their body shifted a bit. Anpther soft tap from the large hand. Roadhog waited for a second for a response only to give a deep and low chuckle when (y/n) gave a sleepy groun of complaint.

With the third tap a much smaller hand grabbed his finger, making roadhog stop. (Y/n) lofted their head up. The lack of sleep was obvious. From their tired face, the large bags, and the say they slouched. (Y/n) blinked a few times before finally realizing who it was and gave a tired smile.

"Hey big guy." (Y/n) spoke softly and in return the man gave a small grunt.

"I heard of your job the other day." She gave a tired laugh. "Sorry to hear about the bike."

Silence stayed there for a few seconds. They just looked another as (y/n) eyes begged, pleaded for sleep.
With a much softer yet conserved grunt from roadhog (y/n) spoke.

"Yeah I was giving the day and night shift  shift,  boss got upset when I asked for a day off to study." A weak smile appeared but it was clear they didn't like the boss. Roadhog didn't as well. Though he never meet the man.

Junkrat flung himself to them. "Roadie! I found candy and hot dogs! I'm starving mate!" He already had his mouth full as he spoke. Roadhog gave a small grunt as (y/n) smiled.

"Ah so this is your friend I see in the news with you?"

Junkrat quickly you at the counter and smiled big, though atlest his mouth was closed since he was eating.

"Oh! Oh Roadie! I see why you come Here. " he wiggled his brows at (y/n), which earned a eye roll from them. Roadhog gave a grunt. The thin junker laughed. "I'm only joking!"

Roadhog shook his head a bit as (y/n) got up with a yawn. "Shouldn't you be at your base hiding?" All they got was another grunt. "Oh like I can leave work big guy, I would love to come but I cant." 

They moved for a box under the counter and put it out for roadhog. "I smuggled some beef jerky for you." They where trying to change the topic now but it made roadhog smile under the mask. His hand grabbed the box but hid other hand took (y/n) hand.

They looked at him with tired yet happy eyes. "Don't worry I'm bound to get more sleep or a free day one way or another."

Roadhog then moved his large hand to the cheek of (y/n). It hurt him to see you so tired. You where close to roadhog' s heart.

Junkrat look over. "Oi Roadie! I think we better be going, I see some flashing lights."with a disappointed sigh roadhog dropped his hand from (y/n).

"Hey don't worry big guy, I'll see you again." (Y/n) leaned over the counter and used the chair for night, to kiss the nose of his mask. She got down and waved as they walked out the back.

Junkrat looked at roadhog with a smug shit eating grin. He knew they liked one another. They walked out back in to the dark ally. Noe they just have to go home and rest.

Maybe tomarow roadhog could see (y/n) then, and maybe they could get sleep for once.

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