Gabriel Reyes x reader

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Edit: this was not to be incest, it was to make gabe jealous

There (y/n) stood. She stood right infront of the large overwatch doors. She had never been there but always wanted to visit Jack. Jack was an amazing brother. Yet they grew up on a farm but they always bonded over little things. Noe that they where adults (y/n) could really see how far her brother had come.

With a deep breath they opened the door. Peeking their head in, their eyes scanned around. Seeing no one was there they swiftly came in and shut the door.

You see (y/n) had secretly asked tracer, aka Lena, for the code to get in, so you could surprise her brother. The only problem was, (y/n) did not look like an overwatch agent.

Taking a deep breath they moved quickly down the hall. Jack didn't talk that much about overwatch but she knew he defently had some friends here. (Y/n) used to hear good story's about Jack and gabe, even if the girl had not meet gabe themselves.

Speed walking down the hall, (y/n) ran into someone with out looking, and stumbled back instantly trying to say sorry. (Y/n) was able to get a few sorrys out before freezing up seeing the tall man in black look at you harshly.

His arms were crossed and looked intimidating. "you are not an overwatch agent. Get out." He had spotted that vary quickly as (y/n) scrambled their words a bit. "Wait I um well I wanted to see jack--"

The man grabbed (y/n) by the arm dragging her back to the doors.
"Look he can give you an autograph later!"

"What no thats not what--" (y/n) quickly got out of his hold.
"That's not why I wanted to see jack!"

"Tisk.." the man shook his head with a large frown. "I don't know how you got the code to come inside but-"

"Hey Gabriel, your scaring the poor girl." A thick western acent came though

"She shouldn't be here." He snapped making (y/n) tense.

The cowboy laughed and had a sly smirk. Lena had told him (y/n) would be coming today.

"Come on, thats no way to treat jack's girlfriend."

(Y/n) looked at the cowboy in shock. "What?! You know I'm not--" jessie covered (y/n) mouth as the tall man in black sneered.

Jessie laughed. "What? You jealous that Jack got a cute girl too?"

(Y/n) had no idea what was going on and quickly shoved Jessie. "Wait I--"

Suddenly a familiar male voice broke the glare gabe had at the cowboy.

"You! What do you think your doing by inviting your girlfriend!!"

Jack stood there prosses what gabe was yelling at him about. Jessie then snickered as the colander prossesed what was going on.

"Wait.. wait, you think my sister is my girlfriend?" He then laughed.
"Who told you that?"

Gabe then snapped his head to the cowboy who was hooting and hollering with laughter.
"You should have seen the jealousy on his face Morrison!"

Jack look at (y/n) seeing what the cowboy had dragged you in to.

Gabe then grabbed Jessie by the shirt but before he could do anything Jack spoke up.
"You can't kill him."

Gabe growled and dropped the boy. "No but I can over work him." He then pointed with a harsh glare. "Training room. 40 laps! Now jessie!" He snapped as the cowboy laughed running off.

The three of you stood there in silence. After a while (y/n) turned to Jack. "Well I uh wanted to surprise you, but guess that's out the window."

Jack chuckled ruffling their hair. "You kidding? It's always nice to see my little sibling again." His eyes then looked at gabe with a smirk.

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