mecree x reader

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Request by: EmilyDyerTheDocter
McCree x  nurse reader

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"Jessie... how in the world did you get a black eye? I saw you not even 5 hours ago and you suddenly have it now?"  (Y/n) huffed at the cowboy, who only laughed.

"Darling I'm fine."

"Was it another bar fight? I told you, you need to stop drinking and getting into fights. "

"Aw (y/n) I can't help it. Fighting is in my blood." He spoke but winced as (y/n) suddenly put ice on his eye with a glare.

"Jessie I'm serious... I worry for you."

"Punkin there ain't nothing to worry about. Besides the more I get hurt the more I get to see such a pretty angle." He cooed as (y/n) gave a huff and a blush.

"Flirting will not get you out of trouble with me cowboy."

"Oh? Then how about this?" He smirked and quickly scooped (y/n) on the table, next to him. He had looped his arms around (y/n)

"Jessie please... you also smell like beer."

All Jessie did was laugh as he used his other hand to hold the ice to his eye. He leaned closer before planting a small kiss on (y/n)'s head.

"Jessie, I'm at work you cant--"

"Work hours past a long time ago sugar." He laughed before removing the ice to full on kiss (y/n)

Who in return laughed and melted into the kiss. It was short and simple, but a nice kiss.

"Jessie McCree, I love you." (Y/n) spoke with a sigh. "But you can't keep getting into fights. What was it about this time?"

Jessie have a small shrug but had a nerves smile. "Well someone said the most pretty thing in the world was some actor, and I had to correct them."

"Oh come on Jessie, you can't be the the most pretty and most handsome man to every one." (Y/n) rolled their eyes as they sat at the table with McCree. They where now leaning o  his shoulder.

"Now what in tarnation made you think I was talking about myself?" He laughed with a snort.

(Y/n) looked surprised but took his hand. "Ok cowboy who where you talking about?"

"Well you duh! You are the most darn tootin pretty thing around! So I showedthem a thing or two!"

"JESSIE!!" Not only did (y/n)'s face go red like a big ol tomato but what the look of surprise.
"How drunk were you to even start a fight like that!"

"Uh... vary? Still am sugar plum."

The man leaned over with a drunk purr. (Y/n) sighed shaking their head. "Please tell me you didn't drive here?"

What (y/n) got was silence and then a slow shrug from the cowboy.
With that (y/n) got up with a huff. She grabbed Jessie by the hands helping him down who stumbled a bit.

"Ok drunk lover boy, stay at my place for the night."

Jessie had to take the moment to tease. "Oooh~ we doing that now?" He winked but then gave a laugh when (y/n) flicked his nose.
"Ok, ok I get it sugar."


"Excuse you, that's cowboy dork."

(Y/n) laughed helping him in their car. "What ever, let's get you in a bed to rest ok?"

(Y/n) started the car and drove home. Not even 3 minutes of driving the cowboy had already fallen asleep with a hefty snore. Boy this was.gonna be hard to get him in the house and in a nice warm bed.

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