reaper x reader: a dance to die for

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"What do you mean you need somone to go with you?"
(Y/n) was leaning on a wall, arms crossed. "Im not a fighter--" (y/n) really wasn't. She had no training, no weapon, just a kormal person.

"And thats why you should go. No one should recognize you." Jack shot back. He was holding his gun over his shoulder. He was so relaxed about this.

(Y/n) opened her mouth to say something but Jack put up his hand, talking first. "I would be just outside to make sure you where safe. I just need you to get in and get the information ." A spy. He wanted her to be a spy... also not a thing she has ever done before.

"With what entry ticket jack." Her eyes narrowed as the soldier narrowed his eyes. He didnt like it when she used his real name.

"Easy. Stole one."

(Y/n) huffed in defeat. "Ok ok, let me get a a fancy outfit on..." (y/n) knew this was a risky and bad idea... she wished she listened to her gut.

(Y/n) gulped as she entered. She felt out of place, even if she looked the part in Her dress, but looking the part can only get you so far. (Y/n) jumped but quickly collected herself when her earpiece went off.

"Alright remeber the plan (y/n) get the info then get out."

A small "ok" came out of her mouth. Jack bearly heard her as she walked around. There where people everywhere. How on earth was she supost to find what she was looking for? (Y/n) figured it was some plan she should over hear.

Taking a deep breath (y/n) tried to look busy with her drink, trying to listen for anything useful. Most of these payed no mind to her, but somone did notice her. Someone deadly. Somome no one wanted to meet. Somone who you should never be in arms reach in. His clutches were deadly.

(Y/n) smoothed our her dress. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea " she muttered. Really starting to dought herseld. only to squeak in shock when a dark voice replied to her. Somone had spoken to her!

"Whats not a good idea?" A dark gruff voice rang. Its like the man appeared out of thin air. Smoke still running off his shoulder. Lingering in the air, almost as a warning. Telling the world he was a threat.

(Y/n) let out a squeak seeing THE reaper now standing by her. His outfit in battle was the same, only he had a bowtie now. It would look cute if this man wasn't a heartless killer.

"I-- im not a uh.. party kind of person." Her hand shakily gripped the glass. Her knuckles turned white. She became even more stiff just hearing the dead man hum in agreement. He wasnt leaving. Why wasn't he leaving?!

(Y/n) gulped hearing Jack on the other side
"(Y/n) who are you talking to?"

"Y... your reaper right?" (Y/n) was trying to tell Jack that reaper found her. She wasn't trying to make conversation. How (y/n) begged to just leave then and now.

The masked man seemed to tilt his head before chuckling. It sent a shiver right down her spine. His claw hand suddenly took the glass from her and set in on the table.

"I have that effect one people. No need to be scard. Its a party" He purred all too happily. It was eerie.

"Shit." Jack muttered. "(Y/n) its not worth it. Get out. Now." It was like Jack thought reaper wouldn't show up. Hell no one did. He was not a party person. 76 knew that in the past he didnt show up, so this was new.

(Y/n) shivered more hearing Jack. Her heart was racing, thumping in her ears. before she could even give an excuse to leave reaper spoke.

"How about a dance?" His hand suddenly took hers, his grip was tight. He wasnt talking a no for an answer. She was in the claws of a deadly preditor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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