reaper x wife!reader part 1

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The team was in the meeting room. Soldier 76, Winston and tracer. They all had encounters with reaper. They had all just learned is was blackwatch cammander Gabriel Reyes.

The room was silent. Not only was tracer nerves, but now not only was Jack alive, who is now Soldier 76, but so was Gabriel, as reaper.

There's room in the air was tense. 76 was the first to speak. "We need to move past and see what he's up to. The break-in at the Museum probably isn't his final goal." His voice was harsh.

Winston gave a soft sigh and nodes. "See how he also tried to hack Athena, it would be a good idea."

Tracer leaned on the table tapping her foot. "Well there's an overwatch theme... maybe we can find out in old files?"

Soldier 76 raised a brow, well more of his forhead since he had a mask on. "Are you saying we should look at his old files he had?" He scoffed.
"Most of the files of mine and Gabriel where sent to family or..." He paused quickly realizing somthing. "His wife... His wife might have them."

Tracer gave a gasp. "Wait so are you saying he might target his own wife? Who thinks he's dead by the way!" Her hand slammed.on the table and pointed dramatically with the other.

Winston looked surprised. "There's no way he would. He loves her!"

"Loved.. could have loved. The man changed after all." Soldier crossed his arms looking away.

The room grew silent but now filled with worry. They all looked at one another debating on what to do.

Tracer finally spoke up. "Why not go to her and see if she knows or the files might tell us something."

Winston interrupted. "Won't it be safer to look at the files some place else? Jack what about your family?"

The man with the mask though for a bit, before shaking his head. " my parents would have burned it."

Tracer sighed. "See as we need the original files, and not copy that probily have notes removed, we might as well see (y/n)."

Soldier 76 sat up. "I can't go, she would recognize my Soldier number. She visited me and Gabriel in our time in the program to become super soldiers.

"Ok, then me and the big guy can go and see her! And if somthing bad does happen we can contact you." The cheery girl spoke.

Soldier 76 nodes. "Alright... but if (y/n) didn't know that he is alive... don't tell her. It would brake her heart."

The two node in agreement. A day past and tracer had made a call, seeing if (y/n) would be free. Of course (y/n) agreed and waited for them to show up.

Later and Alone, (y/n) stood up hearing a knock on the door. (y/n) opened it and gasped with a smile. "Lena!! Winston!! It's so nice to see you." (Y/n) let them in after giving both a hug.

Tracer laughed. "Nice to see you too love."

Lena looked around. (Y/n) still had so many photos of her husband. Tracer walked to one. See Lena knew Gabriel as a strike Commander. She thought the man didn't even know the word fun.

(Y/n) then came back with drinks. Winston was already sitting on one sofa. He was to nerves to move around and might knock stuff over, so he stayed still. Lena zipped over to a spot to sit down by (y/n).

Once handing the drinks out (y/n) spoke. "Its nice to see some old faces that used to work with gabe." She gave a smile.

Tracer looked at Winston with the look of Dread. If only (y/n) knew what he had turned in to.

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