genji x reader x Hanzo

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Can you do Hanzo x reader x genji like the brothers are fighting for the reader

Request by QuislePixel

(Y/n) opened the 14th door in the span of 8 minutes. She had heard the two boys had started to fight again.  (Y/n) didn't know who started it but now you where running around the base. This was getting out of hand. They where brothers!

With a grunt you walked outside. If they started a physical fight that's where it would be. Suddenly you hear a cold voice. It was yelling. It was yelling somthing and you knew it was bad.

" Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!"
(Y/n) yelped and quickly closed the door hearing load roaring. She knew the dragon's where not aimed at her but they sure where scary!
After a few seconds (y/n) opened the door to see genji had used his own dragon to change the corse of his brothers. Ok this was enough.

Sucking up all their worry, they marched over. "Hey! Genji Hanzo!"

The two quickly looked over, instantly dropping their weapons.

Genji tried to play it cool. "Oh hello (y/n)." Though the glare from Hanzo was clear all he did was grunt and wave.

"What is up with you two recently? All you do is fight now, and sometimes I think your ready to kill one another." (Y/n) crossed her arms turning her head in disapontment. She may have not known the reason but boy was (y/n) ready to stop it.

The boys were silent as (y/n) crossed her arms. "Are you going to tell me?"

Genji then spoke. "If I tell you can I take you out for din--" he grunted wh3n his brother elbowed his metal side, but in return Hanzo gripped his elbow. Metal can hurt.

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes. "What?" She stood there thinking about it before smiling. "That's what you two need! A dinner and bonding time! I'll stay and eat with you just to make sure you two don't fight, got it?"

Honzo had a cold look and gave a grunt. It's a good thing (y/n) was oblivious to their feelings. Genji was a bit more open about his feelings but hanzo.... not so much.

(Y/n) quickly grabbed Hanzo's and genji's hand. "Come on, we can all cook in the kitchen."

(Y/n) dragged them there. They both where clearly upset. Once in the kithen and (y/n) was looking though some recipes.

The brothers on the other hand, where having a glare off. Honzo had his arms crossed and have a small "hmph."
Genji had his hands on his hips. His head leaned forward trying to be intimidating.

(Y/n) looked back and sighed. "You two are so stubborn."

Before they could say anything a book was shoved in their face. "Should we make this?"

Honzo huffed. " spaghetti?"

"Its a nice family meal."

Genji smirked. "If it will make you happy (y/n) he smirked under the mask knowing he had the upset hand noe for agreeing.

Honzo glared but spoke. "Why don't we put a twist on it?"

"Oh?" (Y/n) gabe a smile wanting to hear.

"We don't follow the recipe, we make our own."

(Y/n) beamed at this and agreed. They got out the pots and pans. Stuff to make the sauce. Eveeyone was doing their own thing.

Genji refused to use the noodles in the pantry so now he was making his own, and not was that cool to watch.

Hanzo narrowed his eyes but turned to the meat and vegetables he was cutting. He was right next to (y/n) who was stirring the tomato sauce.

He was about to say somthing but suddenly genji came with a lot of noodles to boil. "Everything is almost ready yes?" He spoke, knowing full well that Hanzo was trying to speak to (y/n)

(Y/n) smiled and nodes. "Oh it already smells great."

Hanzo grumbled as he out his cut up ingredients into the sauce.

"What a wrong brother? Is somthing on your mind?" He held a small snicker knowing full well.

Yet Hanzo kept his cool. He was vary good on keep g his emotions in cheek. "Just hungry." Was all he muttered.

Soon everything was done and they sat down at the table with bowls. (Y/n) started to take a bite. "Wow genji the noodles are great."

This made the cyborg beam in delight. Hanzo gave a small scowl but stopped hearing what she said next.

"Hanzo the vegetables you picked for this for a really well too! Both things make it super amazing!"

Hanzo and genji looked at one another. "Both things?" Hanzo spoke.

(Y/n) nodes. "Two things that got togeather, tast amazing, and it was made by you two! Alone your cool and amazing, but togeather it's spectacular."

The two brothers then realized they shouldn't have been fighting, even if it was to win over (y/n). They are family.

They both sighed as they looked at one another. They should have just talked it out... even with (y/n).

(Y/n) smirked leaning on their hands. Knowing full well her plan at worked.

"Brother I am sorry I tried to hurt you." Genji spoke

"No, it is I who is also sorry." Hanzo followed right after.

(Y/n) smiled at the two. "See there we go. what where you two fighting about anyway?"

The boys glanced at one anpther before awkwardly looking at (y/n).
"We both have a crush on you." Genji spoke.

Hanzo gave a node. "We just got mad at one another hearing this."

(Y/n) looked at them in shock. "Wait, both of you? Oh my gosh.." she was going red but her smile never left.
"Thays so funny, cuz I have a crush on both of you."

She gave a small snort like laugh making the brothers join in.

"This whole time." Hanzo smiled slightly.

Genji nodes as (y/n) spoke. "I love you dragon dorks."

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