dragon honzo x reader

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An au where his spirit dragon's makes him act like a dragon. Instincts and all, only problem is he has two so that's twice as much to deal with

Enjoy this bad idea yall. No really its bad and I finished it at 2 am. I just wanted my w.i.p finished y'all

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Today has been a vary odd day for (y/n) not only was genji acting weird but Hanzo never came out of his room. It's been like this for three days.
(Y/n) asked around, no one knew what was going on. They just said it happens every year.

Grumbling upset (y/n) sat down at the kitchen table. The room was empty since it was late at night. Maybe it was around 3 in the morning. With another sigh (y/n) look at their now cold cup. This was supost to help her sleep.

See (y/n) has been worryed for the dragon brothers. Not only was h anzo supost to help her with training, but he never showed up. She went to ask genji but he was always quick to leave.  Leaning  Their hand (y/n) started to think.

"Did I do somthing to upset them?" She muttered.
The only answer was silence as she layed her head down on the table.

Suddenly the light flickered on, making (y/n) look up. She beamed and sat up. "Genji!"

The male froze. He seemed nerves and tense. "(Y/n)... your up? But everyone is asleep." His voice was low.

"Well I've been worried about both of you." (Y/n) got up and moved closer, though genji quickly moved back.

"You both have been gone and--"
(Y/n) suddenly yelped being pulled and shoved out the door by the robotic cyborg.

"Dear (y/n) You should really head to bed. Now."


"Please." He sounded desperate.

(Y/n) stood there dumbfounded.
"Genji what's going on?"

He turned his head away trying not to make eye contact. "Its a uh..."

"A what?"

"Uh tell you later gotta go!" The cyborg Ninja quickly grabbed a bag of goods before bolting off to his room. Ok... vary odd...

"Atlest I know genji is ok, kinda? " (y/n) stood there thinking. Sighing she walked to bed. Maybe she should get some sleep.

As soon as the green and metallic male got to his room. He had quickly locked the door and sighed.

He picked up his phone texting his brother.

"(Y/n) is up worried, I almost snapped. Becarful to stay away." He send the text and sighed leaning on the door.

See once a year the dragons become one of them. This caused them to act like dragons. Genji had just one, so he wasn't as bad as his brother hanzo.

They where now  territorial over everything. Not only that but their body temperature where much different.

Another buzz came from. Genji's phone. He sighed pulling it up seeing it was from his brother.

" she's up?"

"Yeah just saw her in the kitchen."

"Did you do anything?"

"Left before I could, though she might come to see you. She was vary worried."

"Well I'm not leaving my room."

That was the last thing Hanzo sent. Genji sighed in worry for his brother.

"Dear brother, I don't know you stay under control with two dragons." He sighed laying on the bed.

Hanzo was pacing in his room. Not only hearing that (y/n) was worried for both brothers, but hearing that she was trying to look for him threw him way off.

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