injured soldier 76 x reader

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(Y/n) was cleaning up the medical bay while everyone was out on a mission.  See (y/n) was not a fighter, but more of a help around this place. They made sure good was done, and ran the training smoothly. They where just an extra pair of hands to keep this place running, since all of it was solders.

Suddenly a loud crash came though. Quickly, in a burning panic, (y/n) opened the door to see the hallway. There was Jack and Angela.

"That bullet broke your bone!"

"IT'S not broken if I don't say it's broken!" The old as her snapped. He was stubborn and refused to be taking car of.

"Let me get in a cast!" The angle looking women yelled but quickly noticed (y/n).

"Oh! (Y/n) help me!"

"Uh hold on!" Running over you tried to help Angela with the struggling Soldier.

"I said let me go gosh darn it!"
He knew he was tiring both of you out, but what he didn't know is that (y/n) had enough. Grabbing his gun and smacked him right on the head. Just enough to make him pass out.

The man gabe a yelp but suddenly fell limp to the floor with a loud thud.

"(Y/n)!!!" The blond yelled.

"What? He clearly wasn't going to take help when he was awake! He's stuborn and hates being takin care of!"

"But hitting him on the head?" She huffed as both of the girls picked him up, dragging him inside the medical bay.

"So how did he brake his bone?"

"He was ambushed by talon soldiers, and one bullet shot right though his leg. Snapping the bone."


Angela nodded. "I healed what I could on the field, but he needs a cast."

"And you probily need someone to keep him off that foot?" (Y/n) smirked as she nodded, going back to work now on the unconscious man. She also cheeked to see if his head was ok.

"(Y/n) You know he is stuborn.. but he needs to stay off that foot. Can you please keep him off it?"

"Well I can try." Giving a smile, she finished working on him and let (y/n) take him back to his room.

News quickly got out what you had done. Hitting soldier 76 on the head was a bold move. Some would rather have not and given up.

(Y/n) had gotten him in bed and an ice pack on the bump. Now all you had to do was wait for him to wake and probably be yelled at.

You sat in the chair waiting and waiting until finally the man gave a loud sound. He was waking up.

"Ugh..." He cracked his eyes open. He looked around taking everything in. Ok so he was in his room, with an ice pack and wait what was on his leg? Suddenly he sat up and took the blanket off and huffed. "Damn it."

"Well morning to you too." (Y/n) spoke as she turned the page of a book. His eyes then narrowed remembering what you did.

"Your going to retreat hitting me on the head."

"Well you where being stubborn, and you can't really fight with a leg that didn't heal properly." (Y/n) had gotten him there as he just glared.

"I'm getting up."

He started to stand only for (y/n) to push him back down so he would sit.

"Not with out a wheel chair or crutches."

"Are you kidding me?" He growled as (y/n) nods.

His cold eyes stared at the girl before trying to get up again. He couldn't move fast so when he tried to go for the door you quickly stopped him.

"I said your not putting pressure on that foot. Now get on that butt of yours mister."

"No way, I have training."

"And I'm going to be sutuborn as you for once and say no." With a smirk (y/n) suddenly grabbed the wheel chair she had taking him in, since that was the most easy way to get.him to his room.

He yelped when he suddenly felt the force of the chair quickly coming, and (y/n) running down the hallway with said wheelchair.

"Come on 76, I should make you lunch."

He grumbled and leaned on his hand. You left him by a table, but before (y/n) left they spoke.

"What do you want to eat?"

"A sandwich is fine.. I can make it myself." He tried to get up but (y/n) made him sit back down.

"I got it." (Y/n) spoke and walked to the kitchen to make it. Reaper was eating his food and had a smirk, then laughed at Jack.

"76, you sure got.your hands full."

"Stay out of this." He snapped making reaper smirk more.

"Hey, she is stubborn at her job of.. what ever she does. "

"More like a stubborn pain in my ass." He grumbled under his breath making reaper burst out laughing.

"What a do funny?" He narrowed his eyes as up.

"IT'S just, you got someone pretty taking care of you and your broken leg, and you won't even stop to see why they are doing it." He was right. Anyone else would have turned this offer down to hang with soldier. He was a stubborn man, but reaper's words then hit him.

The reason (y/n) was stuborn to help him is because she wants him to, and this caused them to do some actions to make him stop fighting. While 76 was deep in thought reaper left, now done with lunch.

76, was then brought back to reality when (y/n) had out a plate of a triangle cut sandwiches. Who would go though the effort to make them look nice and pretty? With a grumble he said thank you and started to eat.

(Y/n) was about to head back to the kitchen to clean but Soldier 76 spoke up.

"(Y/n)? Why are you caring so much about my broken leg."

"Well your a friend, and your a leader here, I guess I care enough to out up with you."


"Why what?"

"Why do you care." His eyes narrowed making (y/n) freeze. They knew why and looked away with a blush.

"Cuz your a friend?"

"Stop lying." He hiffed as (y/n) gave in.

"Cuz I like you, you may be stubborn and grumpy, but your still a friend and I care cuz I lo- I um uh I like you! You know like friends do!"

He looked at (y/n). He had just taken off his mask to eat but was trying not to smirk. "I'm sorry did you almost say love?"

"What no!!"

"No I'm pretty sure." He then let his smirk show to the flustered (y/n).
Their face was red which made 76 laugh.

"You know, letting someone who loves me helping me out with my leg may not be as bad as i thought. Just don't hit me on the head again with my own gun."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes but turned away. "You where the one struggling."

"Well noe your the one struggling to keep themselves from turning red."

" Soldier!!!" (Y/n) snapped as he laughed and started to eat. From then on he stayed off his foot. He normally didn't want help from anyone, but sometimes things change.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sorry it's so short xD it's 2 am but I have too many ideas right now. Send help.

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