roadhog x reader (a gift)

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Request by PurpleCatSkull

The large yet silent man walked with his hobbling one foot pegleg friend. See the two had just lost the cops after they robbed a bank. A Duo was content with what they got. Gold, money, shinny things. It was great. Though the tall and skinny junker noticed his frie d was deep in thought.

"Oi! Roadie!! Ya big lug what you thinkin' about so hard?" The crazed junker laughed as he jumped up and down, holding the bag of gold while roadhog carried four bags in his arms.

With a small grunt roadhog looked at junkrat. He was silent for a bit. The man was not one for speaking much, especially what was on his mind. Jamie cought on real quick. A smirk started to spread on his lips.

"You thinkin' about (y/n)?" With another grunt this caused the junker to jump confront of his friend. "Yer always thinking of them." He laughed with a smirk as it kept growing.

A small yet deep laugh came from behind the pig like mask. Roadhog kept walking as junkrat followed
Though of course he was still talking. He could also read roadhog vary well.

"You think (y/n) will be impressed by all this gold we took?!" Junk jumped up again to lick up his speed with his friend.

Another grunt and him was heard before roadhog actually spoke. "I want to get them somthing they like."

"Eveeyone likes gold!" The junker teased with another crazed laugh. Roadhog huffed as he looked to the left. Looking at the abanded side.of the street. The lights bearly shinning on the road. They where walking back to their hidden base, of course Kate at night.

Roadhog though to himself. What would (y/n) like? He knew he wasn't with them all the time since he was wanted, and that gave him a perfect idea.

"Wait." His deep voice spoke softly as the large man stopped walking.

"Oi, what is it?" Jamie gave his friend a questioning look.

He gave a grunt setting the bags down for now and wlaked to a toy store window. Right in the window, next to the teddy bears, was a large stuffed pig. Roadhog smiled at the thought of (y/n). When he did stay the night with them they would cuddle. Oh what a joy it be with them. Well was three of them. Since junkrat just invites himself, but the two don't mind.

Roadhog had junkrat to keep him company when he left for days, but (y/n)? Oh they lived alone. With a quick swing of the hook. Roadhog had broken the poor glass window. He grabbed the large pig B efpre the bags again and started to walk fast, almost in a run.

Behind roadhog was junkrat who was laughing. He hobbled after hos friend. "Oi! We better run now! Don't want to cops to find us!" Of corse the two where gone before the police car could pull up.

It was four am as they made it back to their secret base. It had all their stuff. They hate to move it it the police found that place. There was a lot in here!

Junkrat swung opened the door but then froze. "Oi, it wasn't locked." He muttered. His tone quickly taking a turn. Roadhog quickly put the bags and plush pig down. His hand reached for his hook as they walked in carfuly and alert. Someone had defently come in. Some things where out of place but it was all there. Heck some of it even looked more neat.

Roadhog and junkrat had slowly opened every door to find this said person. They had looked everywhere. Everywhere but roadhog's room. He opened the door. Making the poor rusty bolts give a week creek.

The two quickly realized and out their weapons down seeing the form on the bed asleep. There layed (y/n). Snuggled up in roadhog blankets and messy bed. The intruder was (y/n), whom they had given a key to just incase. Roadhog closed the door again not wanting to wake them. He looked at junkrat. He was giving his friend a look to stay quiet so (y/n) could sleep. Even with the mask on, the junker got the message and turned down the hall to out stuff away. Well more like in a pile.

Roadhog grabbed the plush Before heading back to his room. He carfuly closed the door behind him before sitting down on the bed. Next to (y/n)'s sleeping form. A small noise came from them as they shifted thanks to the small movement. Slowly fluttering their eyes open, they sat up stretching. Once they where done they rubbed their eyes.

Now looking at roadhog (y/n) smiled sleepily and leaned on him, hugging his arm. "Sorry I just showed up. I missed you."

A deep chuckle came from the man. Though it made him wonder if his gift was perfect. His large hand rubbed their head. "I got you something." He handed the plush pig to them, causing a giggle to escape.

"Oh how cute. It's like a little roadhog where ever I go." (Y/n) took the pig booping its plush noise. "I love it, it's perfect.for when I kiss you." (Y/n) Then kissed roadhog on his mask. "But the real you is better at cuddling."

Roadhog let out a laugh seeing (y/n) was falling back asleep. They where still leaning on him too. Carfuly he layed them down and tucked them in once he layed by them.

"I love you (y/n)." His deep voice was soft as he started to drift to sleep as well. He could have sworn he heard (y/n) say I love you too before they snuggled closer to the man.

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Hi sorry it took so long! Also sorry it's a bit short but I hope you like it.

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