|Connor x Reader|

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A/n: So, I had an allergy attack this morning and had to be sent to the hospital, but I'm alright! The demand for Connor is on the rise and he'll be in this book plenty of times, but I've got to make room for other characters. Besides that, I've got nothing else to say. Love you all!!!
~3rd Person POV~

Connor and Hank were currently chasing down a deviant. Being the faster one out of the duo, Connor sped ahead and followed on the machine's heels. As he ran down the street, the deviant weaved through a throng of people, desperate to escape Connor.

The deviant shoved aside a young woman who was shopping, pushing her into traffic. Instead of chasing after the machine, Connor ran to the woman's aid and pulled her to safety just as a bus was going to hit her. Safely back on the sidewalk, Connor grasped her arms and stared into her (e/c) eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine," she said softly. "Thank you."

Connor couldn't tear his eyes from hers

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Connor couldn't tear his eyes from hers. Something about her felt familiar, but the android couldn't put a finger on it.

"Connor!" Hank shouts as he catches up to the android. "Where'd the deviant go?"

"Sorry, Lieutenant. I lost sight of him," Connor said as he released the woman.

"It's my fault," the young woman said. "He saved me from getting hit by a bus."

Hank knew exactly who this girl was, but he kept his lips sealed. "Don't worry 'bout it. That piece of shit will be back soon enough."

She nods and takes a step away from Connor. "I shouldn't disturb you, gentlemen. I'll be on my way."

"Stay safe," Hank calls out to her as she walks across the street. The Lieutenant saw Connor was watching her intently with furrowed brows. "Love at first sight?" He teases with a chuckle.

"No, but... she seemed rather familiar."

Hank sighed and murmured under his breath. "More than you know."

Connor turned his gaze to his partner as he  placed a hand over his chest. "I've never felt such a thing. It's quite... warm."

"Let's just get back to the station."

Connor nods and they return to Hank's car. During the drive, the android didn't say a word as he stared out the window. His thoughts kept running back to the woman he had saved and the familiarity he felt when their eyes met. Though he had only been deviant for a few days, he was still going through a list of whole new emotions.

At the station, Connor sat in the desk adjacent to Hank's and stared at the blank computer screen. The Lieutenant raised a brow as he observed the android's strange behavior. "Y'know, it's fucking creepy how you're starin' right now."

Connor's brown eyes darted over to Hank's blue ones. "That woman... I can't get her off my mind."

"She was beautiful. It's normal for a man to think about a woman he just met," Hank shrugged.

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