|Simon x Reader|

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A/n: First Simon one shot! Yay! I'm glad this book already has so much support! Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Are you alright, (Y/n)? You seem stressed," Simon said as I laid down on the couch with a frown plastered on my face. I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it.

Tossing the pillow aside, I sat up and glanced at Simon. "I am stressed! My dad's visiting tomorrow and he doesn't approve of andriods. I tried to lie to him, but he didn't buy it. I know he's gonna want me to get rid of you, but I refuse to do that!" I grabbed the pillow again and threw it across the apartment. "He's such an asshole!"

Simon sat down next to me and placed a caring hand on my knee. "It'll be alright, (Y/n)."

I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder. "I hope so, Simon."

-Next Morning-

Simon woke me up and I groaned as I realized my dad would be here in a few hours. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I sat at the table, drinking a cup of coffee. Curses fell from my mouth between sips.

I placed the cup down gently before turning to face Simon. "How long has it been since we first met?"

"Two years, nine months, and twenty-seven days, (Y/n)."

"And all that time, he didn't want to see me. Wonder what's changed his mind?" I sigh. I got up and wondered if I should hide Simon until Dad's visit is over or I show him that androids aren't evil and truly care about humans.

"(Y/n)?" Simon suddenly appeared in front of me. I stared into his sapphire eyes with my (e/c) ones. "Your temperature is rising."

"That's because I'm freaking out and don't know what to do! I need to call him and say this visit is not happening." I reached for the phone, but Simon placed his hand over mine to stop me from picking it up. Our eyes met once again and he shook his head. I ran a hand through my (h/c) hair. "You're right. I need to face him now."

Another hour passed and my doorbell rang. I nearly jumped out of my skin as I realized my dad was here. Simon accompanied me to the door and opened it. "Good morning, Mr. (L/n)."

My dad eyed Simon with disdain as he walks into my apartment without returning a friendly welcome. I shot him a glare as he didn't even bother saying anything as he walked to the kitchen. I followed him, my footfalls heavy with regret. He sat at the table and I stared at him in anger. "Well, hello to you, too, asshole."

He glared daggers at me, but I was unfazed. "How dare you say that to your own father!"

"Oh, please. You may be my father, but you've treated me like complete shit. If Mom wasn't there, you'd probably have done worse to me."

"You ungrateful piece of shit! I raised you and took time out of my schedule to visit you today!"

I stood my ground as he pounded his fists on the table. From the corner of my eye, I saw Simon's LED was turning red. My dad stood up and approached me, anger boiling his blood and causing his face to become red with fury. He raised his hand and slapped me across the cheek. The force sent my body to the floor and I pressed a hand on my stinging cheek. Simon dashed over and examined the swollen skin as he removed my hand from it. "(Y/n), we need to put ice on it."

"Y-Yeah," I mumble as he helps me up from the cold tile floor. My dad lunged for Simon, but I quickly put myself between them. "You will not touch him! He's my family and if you do, I won't hesitate to call the police."

"All androids are shitty machines and the only things they can do are chores. Get rid of him!" He shouts.

"No!" I shove him away from Simon and into the living room. "He's been the kindest person to me ever since Mom passed. I won't let you get rid of him!"

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