|Markus x Reader|

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A/n: After this one shot is another Simon followed by a Connor story that'll include a small crossover with Heavy Rain. Also, I'll be making a part 3 to the mini series with Connor.
(B/n)= Brother's name


Love you all!!!
~3rd Person POV~

Markus, North, Josh, and Simon ran through the shipyard with empty backpacks strapped to their backs. The ensemble of machines jumped from container to container as they maneuvered through the shadows of the night with little light as company. They dodged humans, androids, and drones in order to reach CyberLife's storage site. Markus took down a single security drone as it was patrolling too close for comfort. With a constructed plan, the android took down the small flying device with ease without warning a single soul. North complimented his takedown as they safely made it to the CyberLife cargo.

"Fill your bags," Josh said as he took off his backpack. Simon, North, and Markus followed suit and filled their bags. As the RK200 grabbed packs of blue blood, he heard footsteps. He stopped what he was doing and peered past the cargo to see a human was approaching. When the person stepped into the light, Markus' heterochromia eyes widened as he muttered the woman's name. "(Y/n)..."

"Markus, what're you doing here?" She questioned, gasping at the sight of the other androids with him. She noticed their backpacks were filled with biocomponents and thirium. "You're stealing? Why?"

"(Y/n), please, just listen—"

"No! You're stealing, Markus! That isn't right!"

North leaned over and whispered in his ear. "If she keeps shouting, our cover is blown."

Markus knew this all too well and he tried to approach (Y/n). She immediately backed away from the android. "Please, just hear me out."

She shook her head. "I've known you for years, Markus. I heard what happened to Carl, but... he wouldn't want you to steal."

"We need these for our people," Simon said, hoping his gentle words would reach her.

(Y/n) glanced at the PL600 and swallowed hard. "I-I can't let you get away this." She yelled out for help and Markus reacted quickly. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her behind the cargo as they heard more footsteps approaching. The android covered her mouth, muffling her shouts for help. (Y/n) tried to break away from Markus, but the machine refused to let her go. She kicked and clawed at him, but none of her tactics budged the android an inch.

"I heard her scream from over here," a man said to his fellow guard.

"You sure you aren't hearing things, (B/n)?"

"I know what my sister sounds like."

"Why was she even here tonight?"

"(Y/n) was here to check the cargo for the company she works for. Haven Industry wanted to send someone right away and it just happened to be her."

The other man rolled his eyes. "Talk about a shitty thing to do this late at night. Let's check around back to make sure she didn't wander off." (B/n) nods and the duo run in the opposite direction. Markus was able to recognize (B/n)'s voice as he and (Y/n) were Carl's neighbors way before he became a part of the artist's family.

Once they were out of earshot, Markus released (Y/n). He tried to reach out and take her hand, but she slapped it away. "(Y/n)—"

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