Be strong when things fall apart again

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Mark's P.O.V

October 30th 2003

Taylor was pouting up at me from on top of my packed suitcase that she was currently lying across to help get it closed.

"Are you sure you need to go on tour?"

I sighed. For the first time in my life I wasn't super stoked to go on tour. Our album was almost out and we were doing promo stuff. We'd be gone for a few weeks. Back for the holidays then touring right through the spring and summer. Maybe even the fall.

Taylor couldn't come with us she was still in the first three months of accepting her promotion as chief editor at her new job. I was so proud of her but it meant we'd now be apart for the rest of our first year as husband and wife.

"You knew what you were getting into when you married me. I've been an absolutely fabulously attentive husband these past 7 months. What more could you possibly want?" I teased as I leant down and kissed her pouted lips.

"I know I'm being a needy wife right now but it's just hard to let you go when I know it's going to be so long before I get to have you back."

I nodded and held her close inhaling her soft, apple scented hair.

"I know. It's the same for me you know. I'll call you every day. I promise. No matter where I am or what time it is. I mean it. I'll be home before you know it."

She nodded and kissed me softly.

"You better."

A car horn sounded outside.

I held Taylor against me tighter and kissed her long and hard trying to take as much of her in as I could.

"Stop fucking and get your asses down here!" Shouted Tom.

Taylor pulled back from me and laughed shaking her head.

"Well go on. You're going to kill it out there. And I'll be here waiting when you get back."

I nodded and kissed her forehead gently before heading out.

I hauled my case in the back.


I frowned as I heard Taylor's voice.

I turned and only had a second to react as Taylor ran towards me and crushed herself again me.

I smiled as I held her tight. I didn't think I'd ever get used to being loved this much by her. It was the best feeling in the whole world.

"I love you." She said her voice was muffled against my chest.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

"I think I'm going to throw up." Groaned Tom.

I shook my head and Taylor pulled apart from me and stuck her tongue out at Tom.

"Shut up DeLonge. Take care of each other ok? And I promise I'll take care of Ava and Jen when you're gone too cause I know you're too much of an asshole to ask me out loud."

Tom blushed and shrugged. And I laughed.

"Whatever Jenning's."

Taylor went round and kissed Tom on the cheek through the open window.

"I mean it. Take care of each other and love to Trav."

Tom nodded.

I got in the car and Taylor kissed me one last time through the open window.

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