Throwing our arms around Paris

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AN: Mark wears hangover hiding sunglasses like above for like 90% of this chapter.

Taylor's P.O.V

"Come on it's beautiful outside don't you want to get up and go on an adventure with me?"

Mark stared at me his duvet pulled up to beneath his nose. He was so adorable.

He shook his head.

"Come on. We could get food and walk around? I've never been here before. I mean I know you tour around all the time but I don't. Show me cool places you've been. Please?"

Mark hesitated.

I was trying to motivate him to get up and shower and get some fresh air. I knew first hand that it helped from when Tom had taken care of me in London.

"Mark look I know getting out of bed and walking around is the last thing you want to do right now but I promise you it'll make you feel better.  I've been where you are. Feeling so low that you just want to disappear...but it gets better. A friend helped me out. He helped me smile again. If you'll let me I could be that friend for you."

Mark's gaze held mine.

"That was my fault wasn't it. You mean Tom..."

"It wasn't anyone's fault Mark. You'll let me help you won't you?"

Mark sighed.

"I don't want you to help me. I'll be fine. You don't have to stay-"

"I'm staying. I told you I'm not going home without you. Now get in that shower before I drag you in. And don't think I won't do it."

Mark blushed slightly and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right."

I raised my brows and put my hands on my hips.

"I'm serious!" I said as I walked into the bathroom and started the shower.

I stood in the door frame watching him expectantly.

"Get in. Or I'll push you in."

Mark pulled the duvet around him tighter.

"You wouldn't."

I grinned. Damn. He knew me too well.

"You're right. I'm too nice to do that to you but I will stand here and pout and give you puppy dog eyes hoping you'll move."

"Stand there all you want. I'm not getting in." He said as he rolled over away from me.

I sighed.

"Mark...are you really going to let me walk the romantic streets of Paris alone? I mean it's dangerous out there. What if I get lost? Or what if some creepy French guy kidnaps me because I'm a dumb unsuspecting upper class American? Aren't you going to protect me?"

"Oh please. You're a strong, independent woman and you don't need me. You never did."

I frowned.

"That's not true. I do need you Mark. Why do you think I came all the way out here?" I asked.

Mark turned back to me. Well that was progress.

"Because Tom sent you to check up on me in case I did something stupid."

I rolled my eyes.

"No. Well yeah maybe a little of that. But the main reason I'm here is because I need you Mark.  I miss you. I want and need you in my life. I know you might have forgotten this but you are needed. You are wanted. And I won't let you forget that if you'd just let me help. If you'd just let me in. Your guard is never used to be. Not with me."

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