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Nobody pov

" Tray left for Chicago five days ago and it already feels like forever without him in this house." Timberly explained to Alashia.
"Oh honey Mario has been gone for weeks now, no call no nothing you'll get used to it watch." She said rolling her eyes.
"Hell no that nigga better call me or I'll fly up there find his ass and gut him and Mario no good ass," she said with her head turned cutting up a boiled egg.
"I call him everyday just to see if he'll pick up but he never does. Every other night he'll text n ask how's everything going but I five him a "okay" then never text his ass back. I think he cheating again."
"You think he cheating again. Oh lord you just need to be done with him. I understand he a good daddy to Cj but he aint a good daddy to you so therefore y'all need to end it."
"Girl I know I'm thinking about doing that whenever he comes back if he comes back."
"Kiley hasn't been sleeping. She'll cry cause he's not here to put her to bed and all that. She either cries herself to sleep or throws a fit n doesn't sleep at all." Timberly said watching as Kiley crawled around her play mat that was in the kitchen floor.
"That's crazy need to give her ass some night quill."
"Alashia she is eight months she can not have night quill dumbass."
"I be giving it to Cj when he be getting out of hand."
"Well Cjs 3 he can have it," timberly said putting the salad into two bowls and handing one to Alashia.
"So what you gonna do in this house all by yourself for a month?"
"I have work n school what you mean?"
"We need to find babysitters that can handle both CJ and Ki so we can get work and all that done," Alashia said grabbing a juice from the fridge.
"Yeah I know I'll do that tommorw."

Timberly carefully picked up her phone so she wouldn't drop it in the tub full of purple bubble water.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Wassup baby what you doing?" Tray said causing her to smile.
"Nothing in the tub with ki,"she replied watching Kiley reach for the phone.
"FaceTime me." He said and she quickly changed over to FaceTime.
"You see her," Timberly asked as she put the camera on Kiley who was still reaching for the phone.
"Yeah. Hey lil girl," he smiled as Timberly put Kiley in her lap so he could see both of them.
"Dada," Kiley screamed.
"what you doing?" Timmy asked.
"None much just wanted to call my girls n see what was up." He said laying down on a bed.
"Mm me n Alashia are gonna get a nanny for Cj and Ki tommrw," she said.
"Ehh why."
"I have work and school and Alashia does to."
"Just ask Ms. Whitney she loves ki like her own."
"I know but I don't wanna put her on her all the time plus cj he's a mess."
"I getchu."
"Yeah but hold up in finna get her out the tub she's getting wrinkly."
She put her phone on the side of the tub and got herself and Kiley out the tub and dressed.
When she grabbed her phone she noticed tray was sound asleep.
"Welp daddy must've been tired."she said as Kiley layed on her stomach n fell asleep.

"Waaaa," Timberly shot up to the sound of kileys screams.
She shut off her alarm and grabbed Kiley out of bed.
"It's too damn early for this shit Kiley," she groaned as she put her in the tub with her.
She quickly washes herself and Kiley off before getting out and putting on lotion.
"Mama,"she smiled playing with my hair as I put on her diaper.
"Yes baby!!" I laughed tickling her.
She watched as Kiley squirmed around smiling.
"Let's get you dressed."
She put her on some tights and a little white polo shirt.
Once she got her dressed she dressed herself in a polo t-shirt and some ripped jeans.
She grabbed Kiley and her phone off the bed.
"Let's call daddy." She said dialing his number.
"hey baby." She smiled as he answered the phone with a sleepy face.
"mm what time is it?" He groaned rolling over. He was just waking up.
"What y'all getting into today?" He asked.
"Searching for nannies and shopping maybe." Timberly said fixing Kiley some chocolate milk.
"Where my baby at?"
"She right here," she handed Kiley the phone and she took it looking at the screen.
"Daddy,"she said touching the screen.
"Hey princess. You matching mommy today huh. "
"Bajbdayvhh." Timberly laughed at kileys baby talk. She could only day moma, daddy, and dada clearly.
"I know girl," tray said causing timberly to laugh again.
He swore up and down it was a daddy daughter language momies didn't understand.
"But look I love y'all I'm finna take a shower n go handle buisness."
"Ight we love you to and Trey," Timberly said grabbing the phone.
"Yes ma."
"Be safe okay." She said with a serious face.
"I will baby."

Timberly put kileys carseat inside her jeep before getting in herself and making sure Kiley was correctly buckled in and all that.
"Okay lets roll babygirl." She smiled pulling out the garage.
She opened the gate and made her way into town.
She pulled into some outdoor outlets and got out and fixed herself before getting Kiley it and putting her in her arm.
"You ready to shop wit moma," she says in a baby voice.
She made her way into "Sabrina's " it was a place for kids aging from newborn to 12 years old.
Timberly loved the store not only because her freind was the owner but because they had the cutest stuff in there. She could spend a whole day in there if she could.
She opened the door and was greeted with all types of hey and hi's. You can say she was a reall regular.
"Hey baby ooo can I hold her," Sabrina said nearly taking Kiley out of her arms.
"She's getting so big, how old is she now?"
"She's almost nine months."
"Oh my is she walking yet?" She said playing in kileys hair. Which she had a lot of since she was her momas daughter.
"Uhuh shes crawling tho."
"Mm well I'll leave you guys alone I have invitory in the back." She said handing Kiley back to Timberly.
"I'll see you later." Timberly said.

It started clouding up so Timberly knew it was gonna rain.
She shook her head because she didn't bring an umbrella with her.
She decided to just head home since she hated being out in the rain and she didn't want Kiley getting sick.

Meanwhile Tray stood with a gun pointed to Slim head.
"Look man-"
"Hell naw ain trinna do no talking," tray said before he pulled the trigger lettin a bullet fly through his skull.
"Get rid of his ass. I'm finna catch a flight home." He said walking out after putting the gun he uses to kill slim in a bowl full of acid.
He quickly got in his truck and headed to the place he was staying.
He grabbed everything and got back in his truck and headed home.

Timberly finished dinner and put the dishes in the dish washer.
Kiley was fast asleep so she just put her in the bed, and went back downstairs to make sure everything was locked.
She went back upstairs and got into bed with Kiley and called tray but he didn't answer so she just went to sleep.

Tray unlocked the front door and closed it before locking it back turning off the alarm. He quietly went upstairs.
His bedroom door was open meaning Kiley and Timberly were still sleeping.
He sat his bag in his closet before taking off his shoes and throwing them in there to.
He turned around and seen Kiley wide awake chewing on her fingers. He smiled as he watched her watching him.
He grabbed her out of bed carefully so he wouldn't wake Timberly.

Timberly woke up to a empty bed. Her heart started pounding when she realized Kiley wasn't in the bed with her.
  She hopped up and quickly searched around for her. She went downstairs and she wasn't anywhere in the house. She ran back upstairs and grabbed her phone with her shaky hands.
  "911 what's your emergency ma'am ?"
"My baby is missing Shea not in my house.." she panicked.
   The front door opened causing her to turn around and drop her phone.
  "Moma." Kiley shrecked reaching for her.
  "Tray when the fuck did you get here why you didn't tell me I was finna report Kiley missing." She said getting frustrated and picking up her phone that was now cracked at the top. "and I cracked my fucking phone."
  "Chill out okay we went to get breakfast." He said kissing Timberly's cheek.
  She pushed her messy hair out if her face and followed him out onto the back porch.
  "Go get some cups and forks." He told her and she did.  
  "here." she handed him a cup and fork as he sat down with Kiley in his lap.
  "when did you get home?" she asked putting some syrup on her blueberry pancakes.
  "bout 7," he replied.
"I didn't hear the alarm or anything go off." she smiles as Kiley grabbed the little piece of pancake off her mom's fork.
  "I turned it off as soon as I got in."
"That's the fastest you've ever handled buisness. What did you do to him?"
  "Tim don't."
"Did you kill him ?"
"Duh I always kill niggas after my shit this ain't none new Timberly." He said biting into a hash brown. 
  "Baby I understand that "this lifestyle" has bought us what we need and want but it has to stop I don't want to have to tell Kiley that she may never see the only person she'll fall asleep for at night again. It'd kill me." She said looking at him.
  "I know that's why we're opening the gym and boys and girls club. I'm trying to get the money clean and move outta this part of my life fa my family."
  "As long as your trying." She said kissing him.

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