Chapter 9 - Let's Get Crazy (part 2)

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Sunday, 13th July, 1986

Kensington Roof Gardens, London

-Anita – a drunk John Deacon put his hand on my shoulder – would you excuse if I take my soon-to-be-wife for a dance?

-Not now Deaks, I just found my new soul mate and best friend. – I laughed.

-Soon-to-be-wife, John? – Anita laughed out too.

-Oh, he's just kidding. He keeps on asking me to marry him and I keep on refusing, because he's my brother, not my love interest and he knows it. – I kept on laughing.

-Well, you know, one day I finally succeed – he shrugged his shoulder with that wide Deaky-smile, then kissed my face – and that will be your happiest day honey, because I'm the best husband any women could ask for.

-Yes, obvious Deaks, but not mine. – I smiled at him and he took my hand:

-Come on honey, I'm bored to death and you're my best dance-partner.

-Well, considering how drunk you already are sweetie I strongly doubt you're THAT bored.

-It's okay Lyvia, go and have a good time with this knight of yours. – Anita said with her usual smile. Seeing this and after that long nice chat we had, now I completely understood why Brian fell in love with her.

-Okay. – I stood up – In case we won't meet later, it was such a pleasure to meet you and you too have a good time. – I winked ather.

-My pleasure Lyvia and I surely will. – she winked back at me, but John was already dragging me by my hand in the middle of the crowd to the dance floor.

-Hang on for a second darlings – Freddie said in the microphone – looks like we've lost our bass-player.

The guy who was playing put down the bass and apologised to have a couple minutes as "nature calls". John was still holding me, but hearing this he turned around, reaching his hand up, starting his way to the boys:

-Freddie! Freddie! – he shouted dragging me by my hand after him – Livy can play the bass!

We arrived there and I stared at him in amazement, trying to free my hand to run away, but he didn't let me:

-No Deaks, Lyvia can't play the bass! – but in the meantime I saw the three boys staring at me, with their huge smiles.

-Hell she can! – John blurted out, then picked up the bass and stepped back to me, plugging it into my neck.

-Deaks, you're drunk, you don't even know what you're saying! – I said trying to take off the bass, but John kept on putting it back as I did. I saw the crowd looking at me waiting, Roger laughing behind his drum-kit and Brian and Freddie smiling with amazement on their faces.

-For all of you to know, this is Lyvia, our production assistant and Princess Snow White. Looks like she has way more skills than she confessed when we hired her. – Freddie turned back to wink at me – And believe me, she's a really gifted girl, in so many things. – this one was addressed to Roger and now Freddie winked at him, then turned back to the crowd and reached his hand out, pointing at me – Give her a big applause, darlings!

Now that Freddie introduced me, there was no way for me to escape, I realised I just simply have to play, so I stopped fighting against John, who finally could finish inserting the bass on me, gave me a huge smile and wink, then stepped backwards, while all the people were shouting and clapping, including Roger and Brian.

-God, it's unbelievable! – I heard Roger laughing as his mic was also on, but as I stood there with the bass, all I wished at that moment was the ground to open under my feet and me to sink in shame.

-That's not enough, a bigger one, look how frightened she is! – I heard Freddie and so the shoutings and claps became louder.

-I'm gonna kill you, for sure! – I looked at John, who was the loudest to shout, whistle and to clap, but he just laughed back at me.

-So, what we're going to play? – Freddie looked at me – Tutti Frutti, okay?

-Fine! – Roger said, Brian nodded, but I just sighed, then turned around and stepped closer to Roger's drum-kit: the closest to him is still the safest place for me and nothing can be wrong if I'm following him, though I'll be deafened by his cymbals.

-Fuck Brian, give us the right key! – Freddie spoke up in his charming way and Brian did.

-That's enough of me, play whoever just wants from now on. – finally, after about three or four more songs I took off the bass and inserted to the stand. I saw the guy, who played before me to pick it up and I just took a quick bow to the crowd. I have to say, finally I really enjoyed jamming with the boys. Of course I was scared to death to make mistakes as it's been such a long time since I've been playing, but by the end of the first song I caught up quite well and got in the mood. Of course I couldn't play on that high level as John would, but I played the hell out of it and I think no one even noticed it. And of course my decision to watch and follow up Roger was just the best I could have, because watching him on the gigs from so up-close really paid off now. Sometimes it was only the way he held his hand, I already knew he's going to make a fill or a crash on the cymbals so I could reply with a funky bass-line and we also kept a strict communication. Like in the bed or anything we've done together, only a nod, a face expression or a hand move...yes, turned out we're pretty good in playing together as well.

-Everybody give a huge applause to Lyvia! Looks like she's not only pretty, but also a hell a good bass-player. John dear, your position is threatened. – I heard Freddie laughing in the mic as I just straightened after my quick bow and already felt John to give me a huge hug and kissing my face.

-You know I'm gonna kill you for this, don't you? – I looked at him angrily.

-Honey don't you pretend you didn't enjoy it. – he answered with his huge smile, but I had no chance to answer him, because Freddie and Brian were already there, kissing my face and giving me a hug also. Roger also stood up from his drum-kit and stepped to me smiling with his huge badass-smile, clapping, but had to wait for the other two for long moments. Finally I got free, so he also pulled me in his arms, kissing my face, and I really had to force myself not to bury my face into his neck as I used to, in front of all those people and cameras around.

-God, babe – he spoke directly into my ear holding me tight, so only I could hear it – how come you haven't told me about this? How did you dare? – he kissed my face again.

-Because it's not important... – I felt my face becoming red, but he got me tight back in his arms, speaking into my ear again:

-Can't wait to be back in the hotel and to punish you for this. – I still heard that smile in his voice – You know I will do that, don't you, you bad, bad girl.

-Oh, I'm sure you will, babe. But let me go now, we're starting to seem suspicious. – I giggled, then gave a kiss to his face and made my way through the crowd to a corner where no one can see me at all. 

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