Chapter 10 - You and I

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Sunday, 13thJuly, 1986

The Ritz, London

I woke up and sighed as I didn't feel Roger cuddling me. I reached my hand backwards and I felt his gorgeous butt I actually managed to touch, because he was lying face down. I turned around and caressed his butt again, then up his waist and back, as gently as I just could, not to wake him up. Though it was quite hot in my tiny room and he was also naked, I just moved the corner of the blanket to cover his waist, because I didn't want him to catch a cold. This is a stupid old habit of mine, I know, it's silly, but I can't help myself. My Mom raised me this way, she always said, no matter how hot is inside, you always have to cover your waist at least while sleeping, so you won't catch a cold.

I kept on caressing his back and shoulders, still my eyes closed, listening to his gently breathing. "God, how much I love hearing this – I thought to myself – and his heartbeats when I'm laying on his chest! How much I love waking up next to him!" Then I smiled as I thought about last night. I left the party not much after 3 in the morning, though the party was seemingly not yet over, a lot of people were still there, partying hard, even none of the boys haven't left yet. (As much as I heard later, the party itself went on till 9 in the morning and Deaks was one of the lasts to leave). I returned to my hotel room, had a bath and as I was sitting at the table in my robe, my hair still wet, I was wondering if Roger will come to me like he did the previous night.

My doubts were cut off by a knock on my door and I didn't have to ask who it was. I opened it with a light smile, not saying a word, only to see that badass smile, then those big baby blues staring at me like he has seen me for the first time, when he took off his Ray Ban. He stepped in silently, closed the door behind him and already pulled me close, kissing me impatiently and eagerly. I pushed him to the door, returning his eager kisses with the same passion as I peeled him out of his jacket and shirt. The touch of his naked chest, his silky smooth skin always drives me crazy – I just can't get enough of it. I can't get enough of him. Yes, last night we made love as if our lives depended on it.

Roger sighed and turned around, taking me into his arms.

-Hi babe. – I caressed his back again.

-Hi babe. – he mumbled, removing the blanket from his waist – Why's this damned thing on me? It's so fuckin' hot here.

-I didn't want you to catch a cold, Rog.

-How could I, in this damned heat? – he mumbled, pulling me tighter in his arms.

-God, now I don't need it either – I sighed, removing it also – you're hot, babe.

-Yes, I know. – he stated in the most natural way as a guy only just can, who exactly knows how handsome and good looking he is.

-Not that way – I sighed – I mean yes, that way too. But you're so hot, heating like a radiator.

-The problem is not with me, Lyv – he kissed my lips – you're the one with virtually no blood circulation.

-I'm sorry – I giggled as I remembered how many times Roger freaked out when he noticed how bloody icy my hands and feet are if the temperature is under...25 Celsius, at least – I'll give you an address and a phone number, there you can complain.

-Yes, I should have a word with your parents because their bad little daughter forgot to share with me some important information about herself.

-My mother, Rog. Actually my parents are divorced.

-Another information you forgot to share.

-Why is it so important?

-Well, you know babe – he shrugged his shoulder – the same reason why your musical history is.

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