Chapter 20 - C'est la vie Madames et Monsieurs

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Wednesday, 23rd July, 1986

Somewhere on the Danube, Hungary

Vienna was so beautiful...maybe because I haven't seen anything like this previously. Thinking back to my home I sometimes missed a bit, I always found it beautiful also. The white walls, the beaches, the ocean, the always warm weather...yes, I certainly missed it. Until I remembered the next moment those horrible events and all my homesick has gone in a second. London was also beautiful for me, I loved the town, loved how history and modern times collide in downtown in those wonderful buildings with those British trademarks. So lovely. But Vienna (or at least what we have seen from it) was way different. Pure history, you could feel it all around, you could actually touch it all around...and as for someone, who loves history as much as me, it was like a candy store.

These two days in Vienna were quite busy like I already said, we hardly had time for anything. The gigs went on pretty well, the boys used to play here in Stadthalle regularly for about 8 years now. But I have to tell you I quite hated this place. Not because it wasn't beautiful or something, but I think it'll make sense if I tell you that these were indoor gigs...under those lights the boys had on this tour it was so fuckin' hardly bearable, even outdoor. Not to mention the smell of the burning lights and amplifiers and the taste of that smoke and imagine how it felt indoor. Luckily, these two were the last indoor events of the tour. But I think it was worthy for the boys, because the audience was enthusiastic as always in Austria - it was such a cute moment when they started to sing Happy Birthday to Brian on the first night, though his birthday was two days earlier. Clearly their audience loves them as the boys love them, too.

I was sitting on the deck of this little boat with these thoughts in my mind, enjoying the beautiful view, the sunlight and wind playing on my skin. Hungarians came to Vienna with this...hydrofoil, yes, that's the official name of this boat and we were already on our way to the most exciting time of this tour, behind the Iron Curtain. This time the whole crew was traveling together, not only The Tour Bus Gang, with the Hungarian organisers and some people from press. This was a pretty important gig and a couple days for the boys, so of course we already had Hungarian press on board with a camera. Mainly because profit could not really be made out of this gig as Roger explained to me earlier, so the deal was to film the gig and to release it later. Of course this included cameras following the boys off-stage as well, again. Later some British TV crew will also fly over from the UK, not surprisingly: this really was something big and important, as a sign of alleviating West-East tensions. The boys were really fond of playing behind the Iron Curtain, this was a huge and old dream for them, which couldn't come true for a long time because as they used to say "The Russians would never let us in". But this breakthrough seemed to happen now.

So of course they were all excited like schoolboys and to ease this excitement they already had a couple drinks downstairs in the bar and passengers' area. Not so long ago we just stopped somewhere to do all the customs, because as they said, it would be impossible to do it in Budapest, but we weren't that far away now, our 4 or 5 hours way were about to end soon. But the journey was beautiful, hills and mountains on one side, plain on the other side of the some kind of a magic land.

-Hey, what are you doing up here? - suddenly I felt someone touching my shoulder.

-God Deaks, you scared me to death. - I put my hand to the middle of my chest.

-Sorry, didn't mean to. - he smiled, sitting down in the front of me - Nice day, isn't it?

-Yeah...I love summer. Good to have some sunbathe, I'm as white as a...

-Snow White. - he interrupted giggling.

-Hahaha, nice joke, Deacon. - I rolled my eyes - Have I told you already how much I appreciate your sense of humour?

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