Chapter 34 - Friends Will Be Friends

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Sunday, 10th August, 1986

Kensington, London

The tour closing party itself was held on a huge, fancy boat, shipping on Themes in Kensington, serving as an extravagant restaurant and nightclub. It really was royal itself, but with all that view of the beautiful downtown around, it just suited Queen perfectly. As I stepped on board, I had to admit again, the boys knew how to throw a party. The one after Wembley in Roof Gardens was simply amazing, but this one seemed to be way more amazing, way more...Queen. Right outside there was a huge Molino saying "Welcome Queen", but as you stepped on board, all you've seen were beautiful flowers, flowers and more flowers and way more champagne. On the beautifully set tables there were champagne bottles and flutes everywhere. And I really mean everywhere. Stepping onto board you could step right into the restaurant, where the tables now where moved to the corners and near the walls, leaving a big space in the middle, surely for having a huge dance-floor. Left, there was a counter with a couple of barstools, and at the other end of the room there was a mini-stage, with a drum-kit placed on it, with some mic-stands, amplifiers, a bass and a guitar in their stands. Seeing that I was quite sure the boys will jam again sometime during the night. The party was announced to start at midnight and by the time I arrived, there were already a lot of people. At least 200 people were invited to this party and as much as I could see, most of them were already there, because the whole place was crowded. So crowded, that all the windows had to be opened already, because the heat inside was almost unbearable.

I stopped for a moment by the door to breathe in the atmosphere - as I was standing there, I closed my eyes for a moment. The tour's over. That magical two months on the road was gone. This is the last time with my beloved boys, whom I love so much, every one of them. As I was standing there, breathing in the smell of the flowers, I felt happy and sad at the same time. This is the last time, we've completed the tour. Of course, my sad feeling became stronger and I already felt tears coming up, so I just opened my eyes and walked to the counter, sitting on a barstool and ordering for a drink I needed so desperately. I looked around as I had my drink and took a big sip. I could see Brian's tallness to excel with his curls from the crowd- he was talking to some guys whom I've never seen before. John sitting at a table with vodka in his hand, busy having a conversation with Ratty and Crystal. Freddie, oh dear Freddie surrounded by his admirers joking and laughing.

And then, finally, there he was. His blondness lightened out of the crowd as he was standing there in his Ray Bans, also busy talking to some guys I didn't know and...yes, Dominique next to him. She was so beautiful, I had to admit to myself, a gorgeous woman, who perfectly matches this gorgeous man. I fixed my eyes on him, smiling only for myself, fiddling with the pearl of my necklace. At that moment I was thinking about all the time we had together. Every single sweet moment we shared, every touches, every kisses, every days and nights. I knew this all is over right now. I knew the time had come and no matter what we were planning last night, I will have to let him go. I will have to let him get back to his family, there's no future for us. My time has passed, I had the fortune to have him for this magical couple of weeks, but it is over now. I don't fit and belong to his world and life and he doesn't fit and belong to mine as well, no matter what I feel or what he feels, no matter how much we'd love to continue. What we had is over, right here and now. And as I was watching him, with these thoughts in my mind, he turned his head and though I knew he doesn't see me, but I knew he feels me. And that was right: he didn't see me, but he felt my eyes on him and he exactly knew I'm there.

-Ladies and gentlemen - later that night I've heard Jim's voice as he stepped on the little stage and I turned around, like everyone else did - Ladies and gentlemen - he knocked the mic he was holding, to make sure it's turned on - Thank you all for coming tonight to this wonderful party. - cheers from the crowd, including me, but Jim kept on - As you may know, we're celebrating here Queen and their wonderful and successful Magic Tour. - Jim's words earned some more louder cheers.

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