Chapter 25 - Funny How Love Is

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A/N: Sorry darlings, this also will be a bit long. 😃 We're getting close to the end of the second book and I don't want to cut them in half already. 😃

Friday, 1st August, 1986

The Ritz, Barcelona, Spain

By the time I'm writing this diary, Queen Live in Budapest has already been released, was a nationwide success in cinemas and VHS as well, so I suppose it's quite unnecessary to write anything about that gig, behind the Iron Curtain. Almost as well documented one as Wembley and I couldn't add anything else to that. The next day we all left Hungary and were already heading to France, for the second night in that country after Paris. Well, that was also something worthy of mention: in the last moment the gig was replaced from Nice to Fréjus (of which I haven't even heard yet) and Freddie didn't even find it out, actually until the day of the show. So that's why he was late from soundcheck, he couldn't show up and became pissed off as hell - so pissed off he didn't even want to do it. Jim and Gerry managed the situation and Freddie, when he realised the contract couldn't be broken, arriving late to the gig jumped out of his car, shouting "Let's fucking do this", heading immediately to the stage.

But now we already were in Barcelona, for the first of three shows in Spain that were initially intended to end the tour. As for me, I didn't mind the extension at all: yes, I was tired and exhausted as everyone else, but still this tour was the greatest time and experience in my life. Hell, I just simply loved every single moment of it.

We arrived to Barcelona the day before, late in the afternoon on Thursday. Of course and again, our arrival was filmed by a Spanish TV crew, every single moment. Same old routine as always: the boys waving to the cameras, signing tons of autographs, then jumping into their cars and heading to the hotel. Now that I'm thinking back, I just remember one of my other secrets have been revealed strange, the more I'm writing, the more things keep on coming back to remember. So here, in Barcelona was the next time when Roger found out something new about me.

It was when we arrived to the hotel and as always, the boys took a seat in the lounge having a drink while Jim started to manage all the check-ins. In the midst of dense apologies my first journey though lead to the nearest loo - I had a bit too much beer on the private jet, so I urgently needed to pee, I'm sorry, I have to confess it. After returning to the reception desk, I've already heard Jim coursing.

-Hey, what's wrong, Jim? - I put my hand onto his shoulder with a wide smile. I wasn't drunk, but I was in a good mood already.

-I can't believe it - he hissed through his teeth for the boys not to hear it - I've never seen anything like this before, though we've seen a lot, I can tell you.

-Would you enlighten me? - I smiled at him. He looked at the guy standing in the reception desk, then back at me:

-The guy can't speak English. Can you believe it? Most luxurious, 5 star hotel here and this idiot can't speak English. How the hell will I manage check-ins now?

-Dear Lord - I laughed out a bit more louder than I should, so the boys in the lounge looked at our direction - that's no problem Jim.

-I'm really glad you find it so funny young lady, but it isn't at all. - he mumbled.

-My dear boss Jim Beach - I patted his shoulder - go and have a drink with my other dearest bosses, I'll take care of it.

Jim looked at me, sending me a perfect mixed look of disapprove, "what the heck" and "you must be more drunk than I thought so". I just turned to the receptionist guy:

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