Chapter 31 - Pressure from above

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Saturday, 9th August, 1986

London Heliport, London

-This way, boys! - Jim waved as the limos stopped and they got out. He stepped a bit closer to them, only to lead them back to the beautifully designed helicopter.

I watched the whole scene carefully behind my huge sunglasses - well,I certainly learnt this lesson from Roger, to hide behind your sunglasses. I didn't want anybody to see what's in my eyes, though I would swear to God everything was written on my face as well.

-Wow, it's beautiful! - Freddie blurted out in amazement as they walked closer to their helicopter. Two of them were waiting at London Heliport, where we supposed to fly off to Knebworth in about...5 minutes. Yes, 5 minutes, I checked on my wristwatch I got from Roger for my birthday and my itinerary I was holding. One of the helicopters was bigger, for 10 persons, beautifully decorated now with a huge Queen and A kind of Magic sticker, both sides. This one was for the boys and their ladies, who all joined them for this last huge gig of the tour. All the children were left back at the hotel with two babysitters and I was quite sure they won't have an easy afternoon and evening with that bunch of kids.

There was another helicopter waiting, a smaller one - Jim, Gerry, myself, and a cameraman will travel on that, once we manage to pack the boys inside the other one. Which won't be so easy, I thought as I sighed. The boys seemed so excited, giggling like schoolboys.

-See, darlings? - Freddie pointed to the bigger helicopter - Now THIS is a majestic way for an entrée.

-Yeah, pretty amazing, isn't it? - Brian nodded.

I bit my lower lip for a moment as I looked at him: Brian managed to come in shorts...Brian in fuckin' shorts! Though I've seen him wearing shorts before, I couldn't stand not to stare at him and his gorgeous legs - other good point for my sunglasses, so no one noticed it. Okay, I have a kind of a...fetish for guys with gorgeous legs in shorts, that's why I hated John's shorts, too. Because he looked sooo sexy in them. My biggest problem though, was that Roger doesn't really wear them, only when it's the two (or three, with Crystal) of us. Now I smiled for the thought as I imagined Roger in those shorts and I almost laughed out loud, because I knew he would immediately ask for something to cover his legs, because stupid Roger thinks his feet are chubby and doesn't like them. Especially now, when the cameraman was following and recording every single moment before the big gig, including our departure from London Heliport.

Then in the next moment I became sad again, because I noticed he's still wearing the same clothes he did earlier today, when we left Marbella. Marbella...though it was only a couple hours ago, seemed to me ages passed since. We were so happy in Marbella, it was like a whole different world for us, an isle, where it was only the two of us...not this extravagancy, the fancy and exciting world of touring, but only Rog and Lyv, pouring out our hearts to each other with all our dreams, hopes and yes, fears too. Roger looked at me, nodded and formed the word "Hi" and as the rotors turned around slowly, I watched him to get inside.

-Freddie, this is your seat - I heard Jim to shout, because the sound of the rotors became louder and louder - John, Brian, this is yours. And ladies... - he offered his hand to help them inside one by one. Really everyone looked excited and happy - seemed to me I'm the only one around who feels like going to a fuckin' funeral instead of a gig and this iron monster is not a fancy helicopter taking me there, but my fuckin' hearse. Jim's voice pulled me back into reality as I heard him to instruct the cameraman now:

-Okay, so we leave earlier, so make sure to film when their helicopter leaves, okay? And it would be great if you could make some nice pictures as we leave London and of course when we arrive. And when they're landing, okay? - the cameraman nodded and got inside to the first seat next to the pilot - Livy! - Jim turned to me now -Come get the boys' luggage.

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