Chapter 13 - Young love is right, young love is real

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Wednesday, 16th July, 1986

The Hilton, Manchester

-What the hell happened to you while you were away? - I sighed as we made ourselves comfortable in each other's arms in the bed.

-I don't wanna talk about it, Lyv. - he pulled me closer.

-Okay...I just makes me so sad...and angry, that I can't help you.

-You already did. - he whispered, caressing my hair.

-Really? How?

-By being have no idea how much it means to me.

-No, I really don't have. - I smiled as I looked into his baby blues. Despite the darkness in the bedroom they were glowing like crystals.

-Lyv, don't be ridiculous - he kept on caressing my hair - you know it's true.

-All I know is that you're hurt now and I don't know how to help you.

-You wanna help me? Then let's forget that shitty compromise and stop hiding our relationship.

-Rog, are you crazy? Do you have any ideas about the consequences?

-Lyv, I'm not talking about making a huge press conference. I'm saying that I'm starting to be fed up with this hiding and secrecy.

-No, we already talked about it, babe. We have to protect you, your family, not mention the tour and your reputation.

-Aham, the only thing I haven't heard in your nice little list is I have to protect you too. And what if I can't?

-Why couldn't you? That's stupid, Rog. - I looked at him disapprovingly.

-Fuck, Lyv. - he sat up in the bed and buried his face into his hands - I don't wanna argue with you about that.

-Rog, we ain't arguing, we're talking. - I also sat up and put my arms around him.

-Listen, I know what I owe...everybody. - he looked at me seriously in the darkness - I know what I owe Dominique and the kids. I know what I owe the boys and that fuckin' 15 years we put into this whole damned thing. I know what I owe the audience, Jim, EMI, press, media, the whole fuckin' music industry. And I do exactly know what I owe you and I'm really sick and tired of pretending and hiding my feelings, because what's gonna happen if anyone else than The Tour Bus Gang finds it out. You put yourself behind everything and everybody else in my life, you think everything's more important than you and I'm just not able to understand why you don't get it! I can't protect you as you deserve and that scares the shit outta me!

I just watched him talking, my arms still around him and I could feel his tension growing as he went on. By the end he was already yelling.

-Rog, come here. Come here, baby. - I pulled him closer in my arms, pressing my forehead to his - Listen to me. How long time has passed? One month?

-Yeah. - he moaned.

-What if by the end of the tour we figure out that no matter what we feel for each other, we just can't continue?

-That's bullshit! - he spoke up with the same tension, waving.

-I'm not saying this is what will happen, but if you think it through, that's also a possibility, isn't it?

-Not for me. - he looked at me seriously.

-Neither for me, all I'm just saying that anything can happen and what if... - I put my finger on his lips to keep him silent - only a possibility. What if. What is better for you, for your family, for the band? In that case, wouldn't it be better to everybody? No one's hurt, end of story?

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