Chapter 7 - Man on Fire

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Saturday, 12thJuly, 1986

Wembley Arena, London

-Lyv, we need to talk. – Roger said seriously as I stepped out of the little dressing room to the corridor, leaving Freddie alone inside for a bit more.

-Why, what's wrong Rog?

-Is there anybody inside? – he pointed to Dressing Room II.

-Yeah, Freddie.

-And here? – he pointed to the big Dressing Room now.

-I've no idea. – I looked at him still surprised as he put his head into the door, then just grabbed me by my hand, led me inside and locked the door.

-Rog, what the hell? – I asked surprised.

-Lyv, we need to talk, now. – he said taking my hand and taking off his Ray Bans, so he could look directly into my eyes.

-Yeah, you already told that, but about what? – I wondered. I didn't want to let him know, but I got really scared for a moment, seeing that worry in his baby blues.

-Lyv, be careful and stay away from Tom.

-What? Who? – I asked, totally confused.

-Tom, the guy I introduced you earlier. He wants to... – Roger closed his eyes sighing and when he opened them again they were full of lot more worry – he wants you.

-Well, good for him, but I don't. – I put my arms around his neck pulling the weight of his body into mine. I sensed his nervousness and I knew I have to calm him down a bit.

-Don't take it so easy, babe. – I felt him putting his arms around me – I know him, he's an old friend of mine. He always succeeds if he likes someone.

-And you think he likes me?

-He certainly does. He asked me if you have someone. – he sighed, pressing his forehead to mine.

-And what did you answer?

-That you do.

-And? Did you tell him? – I tightened my arms around his neck more. I said you have a husband, but that's not the point.

-Then what's the point?

-Lyv....fuck...– he held his head now, rolling his eyes – the point is that I don't want you...I don't want him...

-Well, well, well – I smiled with a wide smile – such an irony.

-Would you share with me what you find so funny? – he rolled his eyes again.

-Funny and sexy at the same time – I kissed his lips – Mr Taylor is damned jealous. And knowing the fact his family is also around, it's ironic, isn't it?

-Lyv, for fuck's sake. – he rolled his eyes again.

-It is, Rog, don't even try to deny. – I smiled and kissed him again ,this time a bit longer – Listen babe, you've done the right thing. I know you...we can't tell the truth about you and me.

-Babe, I wanted to. I was really about to, because he was so...disrespectful about you, like you were a piece of meat...I just wanted to kick him in the arse and shout at him that you're talking about...about my girl, you arsehole.

-Hey, don't feel bad about that babe. – I caressed his face – You told him I have a husband, right? That's the best you could do.

-Yes, but I know him, he doesn't care. He won't stop Lyv, he's going to come after you. Try to convince you.

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