Chapter 14 - Young love is what you feel

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Thursday, 17thJuly, 1986

The Hilton, Manchester

Roger opened his eyes, then buried his face into hands. "It was just a nightmare - he thought - Dear Lord, thank you, just a fuckin' nightmare". He pressed his hands to his forehead to get rid of the remains of his terrible dream, but it wasn't easy, it took him a couple of minutes. Finally he sighed and turned to his right, to caress the girl laying beside him. She was laying on her back and Roger smiled as he noticed the blanket was pulled up almost to her chin, though it was quite warm in the bedroom. He was laying there, watching her closely, her beautiful face, her long hair spread on the pillow. He didn't want to wake her up, so he only caressed her hair on the pillow. He loved her long, brown hair, though, he realised now, he never mentioned it to her. As he was watching her, was thinking about that deep conversation they had the previous night. Roger poured his heart out, but despite all of his fears, didn't regret at all. "It was high time for me to finally open up" he thought and suddenly his heart filled with something he thought he'll never be able to feel again for anybody. He was right last night: he had a lot of time to think in those past few days and knew how he feels for her, how important she is for him. He knew he loves her, though haven't said it out loud, only once. But he didn't know this love could grow this deep and strong. Roger felt this kind of love only once in his lifetime, for the mother of his children. Now he realised miracle has happened again and because of this wonderful girl, who was sleeping peacefully beside him.

"Too peacefully" he thought and his eyes grew round as he felt the wave of panic. "Way too peacefully" he felt the panic growing more and more. The pictures from his nightmare came back in a second vividly and as in his dream, felt himself completely shocked, so that's why not able to move. For long moments he was just laying there with wide open eyes and watched her closely, but no matter how hard he tried, couldn't hear her breathing.

-Lyv - he tried to speak, but no voice left his throat - Lyv, babe! No, no, no! This can't be true, this isn't true! - he whispered, then lifted the blanket and put his hand on her chest.

-Thank God! - he whispered again, because already felt her heartbeats and saw her chest moving as she was breathing. "I'm going crazy" Roger thought than to himself. She was sleeping so deep and her breathtaking was so gentle, no wonder Roger couldn't hear it and mainly could not see under the blanket. He sighed with relief and caressed her face, then smiled as he noticed she holds her teddy bear in her arms. Finally Lyvia moaned and turned around.

-Come here babe, come. Come baby. - Roger whispered and took her in his arms tight, with the teddy bear stuck between them.

-Good morning babe. - I mumbled and caressed Roger's back, then down to his waist and gorgeous butt.

-Good morning Lyv. - he kissed my forehead - Did you sleep well?

-Yes, thank you. - I yawned - And you? Have you had sweet dreams?

-Not really. - I heard a light smile in his voice.

-You had a nightmare?

-Yeah, it wasn't really nice. - he kissed my forehead again.

-What was it? - I mumbled on my after-waking-up kitten voice, trying to open my eyes, but I could manage only a little.

-It doesn't matter. - I saw that badass Taylor-smile I love so much - It was only because I've had some really rough days. But now you're here with me and that's the only goddamn important thing.

-And you're here with me. - I looked up at him with sleepy eyes.

-Yeah, with a certain third in our bed. - Roger giggled - Lyv, I understand how important Rupert is for you, after all you've shared so many nights, but is it really important to keep him in the bed when you can have me?

-What, are you jealous? - I pulled out my teddy bear who somehow has stuck between us - Rupert stays.

-You know I'm just wondering if you ever had to choose between me and Rupert, who you would pick. - Roger laughed.

-It depends know, I really would have to think hard which one of you could accompany me better in bed. - I giggled, making Rupert sitting behind Roger, on the nightstand.

-You know I always wanted to tell you, so I think now this is the perfect occasion for me to confess. - Roger laughed.

-Oooooh, so you have something to confess, it's getting better and better. -I rolled my eyes.

-Yeah, I actually have many things to confess, Lyv - Roger smiled widely -one of them is that I found it fucking weird and creepy that he's always watching us.

-Why, at least he can learn some new things. - I giggled.

-Oh, you think I'm completely stupid? - Roger laughed again - I'd never let him learn my best tricks, anyway one day I'll found myself completely out of your bed and this little fur ball will substitute me.

-Nooooo Rog, I need a little bit more to substitute you. But when he makes my morning coffee and serves it in bed, now then you can start to worry.

-Really? Good to know. - he laughed and reached his hand backwards, to turn Rupert to the wall on the nightstand - Now if you excuse us little buddy, I have something to prove, before serving morning coffee to our lady.

Roger kissed me eagerly and let his weight down on me. I put my arms around him and looked into his wide open eyes for a long moment, as I felt his heartbeats on my chest. And what did I see in his baby blues in that moment? Well, the complete reflection of my emotions again: that after that emotional roller-coaster we had in the past few days, he couldn't wait and it was high time for us to unite in love again, physically, mentally and with all our souls, as we always used to.

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