Chapter 6 - Oh yes, I'm the Great Pretender

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Saturday, 12th July, 1986

Wembley Arena, London

I stepped through the door to the corridor that lead to the dressing room with my determined purpose to find Freddie as soon as possible to warn him also about the time, but as I did, I noticed John coming thoughtfully towards me.

-Deaks – I called him, because I wasn't sure if he noticed me as well and he surely didn't, because he looked at me surprised.

-Hey honey. – he smiled.

-Could you talk to your wife? – I asked worryingly.

-Yes, I could...we talked a bit.


-Well... – he shrugged his shoulder.

-Listen, I know it's not my business, but considering the fact that I caused the damage...

-No, it's okay. – he put his hand on my shoulder – You haven't caused any damage, because...the damage is already done and not by you. You were just...not the right place and not the right time.

-But you could convince her, right? That you and know, that we're not...

-Yeah, I mean I didn't have to, because you did. – he nodded.

-Ahh, thank God. – I sighed.

-But the rest...the rest of the problems still needs to be solved, you know.

-I know sweetie. And I'm sorry for that.

-You don't have to – he shrugged his shoulder – once the tour's over...

-Once the tour's over, you're going home and solve all this mess.

-I'd like to believe you. – he sighed.

-I'm sure Deaks. I know it, because I see how much you love her. How much you love each other. – I put my hand on his shoulder.

-Yes... – he said thoughtfully – Anyway, speaking of love...I couldn't help but to notice...

-Notice what? 

-You know, I thought this is just...nothing serious, the two of you, but it is now when I understood that you...because I realised the real meaning of your know, that you love him. – he smiled with his shy, Deaky-smile.

-Oh. – I felt my face becoming red.

-He's a really lucky guy, you know. Such a damned lucky fellow.

-And I'm a damned, lucky girl. – I caressed his shoulder, then sighed– Buuuut, before I forget, I need to remind you that the gig starts in...less than an hour. – I took a quick look at my wristwatch. But I can see you're already changed.

-Yes, I did. – he smiled with his wide, adorable Deaky-smile.

-Okay – I kissed his face – go and have some more talk with the others. But hey, easy with the drinks before the gig, okay?

-I can't promise anything. – he lifted up his hands.

-Yeah, I know, that's why I warned you. – I laughed and stepped away, but turned back for a moment – Anyway, haven't you seen Freddie?

-Isn't he outside? – he also turned back, holding the door handle now.

-No, I haven't seen him anywhere. – I shook my head thoughtfully.

-Then he may be in the smaller dressing room, because he wasn't there in the big one. – he shrugged his shoulder, pointing to a door at the end of the corridor, where I could see a "Queen - Dressing Room II" table.

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