Chapter 12 - Love can always see you through

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Wednesday, 16th July, 1986

The Hilton, Manchester

Roger sat in the tub between my legs and pressed a full-of whiskey-glass to his forehead, while I was sitting behind him and worked on his shoulders.

-Why are you so silent, Lyv? – he finally sighed.

-I don't wanna disturb you. – I answered quietly.

-You never disturb me. – he mumbled.

-Well, I figured some silence is what you need now. – I said – God, your shoulders are a trouble babe. Don't you want me to call Fizz?

-No. – was all he answered.

-Okay. – I sighed. For long minutes we were just sitting there, me working on his shoulders, him pressing the glass to his forehead or sometimes having a big swallow of the whiskey.

-Thank you. – he mumbled again.

-For what?

-For everything – he took my hand and kissed the back of it. I sent a surprised look to his nape, then moved closer and put my arms around him, my chin resting on his shoulder.

-Rog, babe – I caressed his chest – the only person who should say thank you is me.

-That's stupid – he caressed my face – and I really mean it.

-Well, you're welcome. – I smiled at him, though I wasn't sure what he thanked – You know it makes me so sad that I have to see you like this. I really hate it.

-I'm sorry.

-It's okay babe. – I kissed his neck and caressed his chest again – I can see some really serious shit must have happened to you.

-Yeah, some really serious shit. – Roger stared before himself and had a big swallow of his whiskey again.

In that moment he thought about these couple of days. It all started when he went back to the suite Sunday afternoon and Dominique just looked at him. And because they know each other so well, she immediately knew he spent the night with a girl: Roger was still wearing the same messy clothes as the day before, he was unshaved and of course, she felt the stranger perfume. Roger of course also immediately knew she noticed. From that moment they haven't talked a single word, not even when they drove back to Surrey, only what's really necessary. And they could keep themselves quite well until they put the kids into bed that night, because that's when the nightmare started. One silly, innocent word was enough and all the tension and emotions were set free. They had a huge, horrible fight, worse than any of them before: Dominique complaining why Roger spent the night with someone else so openly, Roger complaining why she cares about the whole thing as she was the one cheating on him. Dominique reminding him to all of those times when he was on tour and cheated on her, with so many girls. Roger complaining why she cares about it now, they broke up many months ago. A lot of horrible things have been said out loud that night, years old wounds have been opened and glasses, plates and vases have been ruined when Roger flew off the handle.

But it all became worse the following day when the fight continued. Actually it only stopped when Roger spent as much time as possible with Felix or when they went to sleep. As always since they'd broken up, he spent the nights in one of the guestrooms, on the other side of the house. But he wasn't able actually to sleep, he was just laying in the bed with a bottle of whiskey in his hand and wishing he rather would've stayed in that damned tiny hotel room with me in London. All he could think of is to get in his Bentley and drive back, no matter how much he'd already drunk and if it was the middle of the night, but then finally he always convinced himself. He promised to Felix to spend these days with them at home and he was not able to break the promise he made to his son.

And of course the next day it became worse, just like the following morning. Actually that was the reason, why he was late from the departure of the tour bus, because they were fighting almost the whole night again. So late, that Roger actually slept only 3 hours before Tom picked him up. Dominique continued the drama which drove Roger totally crazy, because he didn't understand why she does this. "We broke up, for God's sake, leave me alone" he kept on saying, though all he wanted is to let her know that the girl he spent that night with is not only a whore from the corner but he loves her. But he knew he can't do that at the moment, he knew he has to protect our relationship, just like we had to protect his family.

-Rog...Rog. – he heard my voice that pulled him back into reality.

-Yeah? – he looked at me dreamingly.

-C'mon babe, let's go to bed. – I whispered, caressing his face.

-Lyv – he moaned – I'm sorry, but I'm not really in the mood right now.

-Babe – I smiled and caressed his face again – I told you to go to have some sleep. Not to play Kama Sutra whole night, back and forth. Okay?

-Okay. – finally he sent me a light smile, the first one during the evening. 

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