Chapter 30 - Freedom Train

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Saturday, 9th August, 1986

The Ritz, Marbella, Spain

-Go and get me some more! - I heard him yelling at me as he was sitting in the armchair watching the telly in the tiny room, throwing away the empty can. I was sitting in the corner and immediately looked at him with wide, open eyes, full of fear. I knew what this meant, but I was just not able to move.

-Can't you hear me? - he turned back, looking and yelling at me - Go and get me some more!

-No. - I answered on a weak voice.

-Lyvia! - he stood up, pointing at me - I said to fuckin' go and get me some more!

-No, please. - I started to beg - Please, it was enough for today... -I mumbled, almost crying, because though I knew what's coming if I resist, I didn't want to do it at all.

-Don't get me saying it one more time! - he stepped closer, loosening his belt. His eyes were dim, just like his words as he spoke. I just found him extremely disgusting.

-No, please, don't! - I looked at him, tears rolling down on my face, lifting my arm above my head and crowing into the corner as much as I just could.

-Go to the fuckin' store and get me more! - he yelled, hitting me with his leather belt. I've never felt such a pain before, as the leather snapped on my bare arm.

-Please, no. - I begged on a week voice, but I already felt his belt snapping me again. I held both of my arms above my head, crowing into the corner as much as possible.

-Louis! Stop it! Leave he kid alone! - my mother stepped in from the kitchen, trying to get to me to protect, but he grabbed her wrist and pushed her to the other side of the room. I saw her to fall backwards on her butt, while I already felt the next snap. It was way more painful than the previous ones.

-I told the fuckin' store...and get me more! - he yelled starting to be out of his breath, snapping me with the belt every time he paused - And you! - he turned to Mom, grabbing her again by her wrist, dragging her into the bedroom - You come with me right now!

-No, Dad! - I screamed now - No, please don't hurt Mom!

-You fuckin' shut up! - he turned back yelling at me, pushing Mom to the bedroom through the door - Fuckin' shut up and go to the fuckin' store to get me more drinks, until I finish this with your mother!

-No! - I screamed and stepped there, trying to free Mom's hand from his. He easily pushed away my six-year old little body and snapped on me again with his leather belt.

-Louis - Mom begged him - I promise we'll do it, but please, I beg you to wait until she falls asleep at night.

-No Edith! - he shut the door behind them - I want it now!

-No Dad, please don't hurt Mom! - I cried and banged on the door with my little hands - NOOOO! - my scream collided with my mother's silent crying.

-Shush, shush, 's okay baby, 's okay. - Roger caressed my hair. He just woke up for my scream and crying - It's okay baby - he laid halfway on me, taking me in his arms tight, kissing away my tears from my face - Shush baby. It's okay. You're here with me, you're safe. It was just a nightmare. Just a fuckin' nightmare. You're here with me. - I heard as I put my arms around him, burying my face into his neck, breathing in the smell of his silky smooth skin which always calms me down more than any of the world's best lullaby. Then I just kissed him desperately and felt him to let his weight down on me. Yes, no safest place for me in the world than in his arms, his weight on me, loving me as he never did before.

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