Chapter 23 - I'm In Love...With My Car?

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Friday, 25th July, 1986

Hotel Intercontinental, Budapest, Hungary

-What was it like babe, did you enjoy it? - I smiled at Roger who just stepped in. I was sitting on the couch, reading a magazine, but threw it away as he sat down beside me and pulled me into his arms.

-Yeah, it was nice. - he smiled back, kissing my lips.

-These people are so nice, such a hospitality. - I caressed his hair - Organising a car-race for you, because they know you love cars.

-Yeah, wasn't hard to find out, was it? - he laughed, but I looked at him confused:

-I can't follow you, Rog.

-After I've written that song, it's not really hard to find it out. - he kept on laughing.

-What kind of song? - I looked at him with a huge "what the fuck are you talking about" look on my face.

-Don't you know it? It's called "I'm in love with my car".

-Babe, how the hell would I know it? You know I barely know your songs, only what you're playing on this tour. - I rolled my eyes.

-Okay, someone needs to fill some gaps. - he laughed louder now.

-Yeah, there are many gaps as I can see. - I nodded - You've really written a song about how much you love your car?

-What, it's a pretty good song. - he kissed my lips - And it's not about me but an old roadie of ours. Now he was REALLY in love with his car.

-An old roadie, yeah, sure babe. - I said with sarcasm - Anyway did you ride a F1 car today?

-No, it was a go-kart. But it was fun, I rode it for about a half an hour, had at least ten laps. Imagine babe, they're surprisingly fast. - he smiled - I wouldn't think for a second they can be so fast. Reminded me of my old '68 Aston Martin, because that was as little as this thing. Little, but strong and fast. - he giggled.

-Says the guy, who has written a song how much his old roadie was in love with his car. - I laughed now, pointing a finger at him - I've got ya', Taylor.

-In every possible meaning of the word. - he giggled, then kissed me again - And? How was your day, babe?

-Oh, it was fun. - I put my head to his shoulder, caressing that...ten hair on his chest through the opened buttons of his shirt - I went out for a walk and some shopping with Mary.

-Really? Why didn't you tell me? You went out without any money?

-Oh, I just wanted to take a look around, you know. This town is beautiful, Mary did the shopping part, I just accompanied her. - I kept on caressing his chest. I didn't want to let him know, but actually I also found a perfect birthday gift for him.

-Don't make such a stupidity next time, Lyv. - he kissed my forehead - I know you don't have any cash, just let me know if you wanna go out and I'll give you some, okay?

-God, come on, Rog - I waved - it's unnecessary. But now we're talking about shopping... - I pulled out a little paper bag - Here. Your wish is my command.

-What's this? - he took a closer look.

-Pregnancy tests. - I shrugged my shoulder.

-Four of them? - he laughed out now.

-Roger Meddows Taylor, I fuckin' know you. If I did a single test, you wouldn't believe me, so here you got four of them. - I looked at him seriously - Though I think it's perfectly unnecessary, but I want to prove my right so will do these right here and now. - and I stood up to go back to the bathroom, but he took my wrist and made me sit back down to the coach.

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