Chapter 17 - Tenement Funster

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Saturday, 19th July, 1986

The Hilton, Cologne, West Germany

-Have you heard the audience singing Happy Birthday to Brian during the gig? - I asked.

-Yeah, that was really nice. - Roger agreed as we stepped into the separated room of the restaurant. Finally I managed to talk to everyone, so all The Tour Bus Gang were around, even Ratty, Crystal and a couple of roadies. Looks like they finished packing the stage and all the equipments again in a record time.

-Finally The Chinies are here! - Freddie waved theatrically - You know you're late again, you dumbheads!

-God, Freddie... - I moaned and rolled my eyes. We both hated this nickname Freddie gave us not long after we became a couple, during a long ride on the tour bus somewhere in Germany I think. He said it's because as we were looking out of the window admiring the view, seeing our profiles he noticed we both have a cute chubby chin. He drove us crazy for days, but lately he seemed to forget about about it. Until now.

-Sorry Freddie - Roger just shrugged his shoulder with his wide badass smile - we were kinda'...busy, you know. - he kept on smiling, in the meantime shook Brian's hand and gave him a huge hug - Happy Birthday Bri!

-Awww, come here birthday boy! - I also opened my arms to Brian, who was busily taking photos with his beloved, trusty camera - Happy Birthday, you sweetheart.

-Thank you sweetie. - his face became completely red and I couldn't help but to smile about that.

-Yes, I can imagine how busy you were and mainly what made you so extremely busy. - Freddie looked at Roger, who just sat down next to him. I turned back to Brian to hug and kiss him again, but he took another photo, this time about me.

-Fuck, don't take photos of me, Bri. - I covered my face.

-Why not? - Brian put his arm around my shoulder, while we also sat down.

-Because I'm fuckin' ugly, that's why. - I looked at him disapprovingly.

-Livy, you mustn't be THAT ugly if Roger loves you... - Brian smiled and his face became completely red again.

-Are you kidding to me? Blind Melon Taylor? It's only because he can't see me at all. - Brian couldn't reply anything for this obvious statement, so he just laughed out again, while Freddie was still complaining about us being late. Not that we were that much late, only a couple minutes.

-Roger darling, I don't care if you spend all your free time in bed, but don't fuckin' dare to be late! I told you 11 pm, didn't I? Then stop what you've been doing and stick to what I said! I know you WILL finish it as soon as possible. - Freddie kept on sulking. Roger, although wasn't doing anything else than laughing.

-Seriously guys, would someone explain to me how's that possible? - I rolled my eyes - We're only two sentences into the conversation and already talking about sex.

-Livy, why are you so surprised? - John looked at me - This room's full of horny people.

-Yeah, I can see that.

-Oh, I have an idea! Let's make a little game, like a competition, who's the horniest here. - finally Freddie laughed.

-Yeah and what's the price? - Ratty of course immediately took the chance.

-The price is, my dear Ratty, another glass of this delicious champagne. -Freddie smiled - So darlings, who's the horniest?

-Me! - Roger spoke up before anyone else in the room. Of course, everyone laughed out.

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