Chapter 3.

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I opened my eyes and immediately closed them due to the bright light shining in the room, I opened them slowly to adjust to the light. I sat on the edge of the bed and yawned, there was a mirror in the room so I used it to fix my hair. Before I was done someone came by my room, he looked younger than me maybe by 1 or 2 years

"Hi, uh I brought you some new clothes." He smiled at me

I stared at him for a moment and took the clothes

"I'm peter, Peter Parker" he said moving back and forth on his heels

I nodded my head in a greeting type way

"Aren't you gonna tell me your name?" He raised his eyebrow

I rolled my eyes and sighed "it's Liam Clark"

"Cool name" he smiled again

He just stood there not saying anything, what else could he possibly want.

"Was bringing me clothes the only reason you came?" I changed into the clothes he gave me. It was a Nike shirt , the base was white and the check was black, khaki shorts, black Nike socks and a pair of Sperrys

"Kinda, I wanted to come and talk to you and maybe we could be friends" he looked at the ground

"Friends? Are you sure you're aloud to have those here?" I tried to sound as humorous as possible

He chuckled "yeah, I know you don't want to be here and stuff so I wanted to at least try to make you feel like you have someone with you."

"Thanks, you're certainly better than most people I've met" I finished putting my shoes on

"Do you know when I can get out of here?"

"No not really, they don't tell me that stuff"

I didn't say anything

"Well I've got to go now, I hope you decide to stay at least for awhile" he walked off

A couple minutes later Nick and two other men came to get me, the other men was Bucky and Steve the two super soldiers. Was I really that much of a threat? Seeing them take so much precaution amused me a bit

"Mr. Clark you've already met Steve so meet Bucky" he nodded and I nodded back

"Come with me and don't try anything" he lead me into a lab room and Bruce Banner himself was in there with an iPad full of statics

"Ahh Liam there you are, sit please" I took a sit and looked around in shock at all the stuff in here

"Let's start by discussing your abilities, you are Psionic which is very rare I've only seen two others like that and you make three. Your powers limits are beyond imaginable. You can do all sorts of things like:


Emotion Manipulation
Empathy/Animal Empathy
Enhanced Awareness
Enhanced Memory/Panmnesia
Extrasensory Perception
Illusion Manipulation
Mind Control
Mind's Eye
Mind Link
Neurocognitive Deficit
Neuro-Psychic Knowledge
Psionic Magic
Psionic Manipulation
Psionic Technology
Psychic Constructs
Psychic Energy Manipulation
Psychic Energy Physiology
Psi-Leech Energy Manipulation
Psychic Entity Physiology
Psychic Navigation
Sensory Scrying
Teleportation and more"

I couldn't even comprehend everything he said because it was a lot "did you say teleportation?"
I raised both of my eyebrows

"Yep, and you know what's even cooler? Not only are you Psionic, but you can also use Electrokinesis"

"Really?" I looked at my hands "but all I can do is use telepathy and telekinesis"

"That's because you need to train in order to unlock the rest, you get that down and you might even be stronger than Wanda" Bruce hadn't looked away from his iPad once.

"That's only if you stay Mr. Clark, what do you say?" Nick pitched in

I know what my father said, but this was too good to pass up "Fine I'll stay"

"Good, now let's go meet everyone else" nick turned and walked out the room and I followed him.

I hadn't realized it, but we were at the Avengers base. All of the Avengers were in a room doing their own thing and turned when they heard someone enter

"Avengers, meet Liam Clark. He will be staying here to learn more about his powers and how to control them.

I got a few nods from Clint and Rhodey, and a handshake from Mr.Stark.

"So you decided to stay. Good, you'll really like what you benefit from this place." Ariana smiled. She got closer to me and whispered something in my ear "I'm sorry about what I said last night, I didn't mean to upset you."

I smiled but tried to hide it "it's okay Ariana, thanks for even coming to talk to me"

She smiled and sat down

Peter came up to me and hugged me, maybe a little too hard because I started to not being able to breath

"Okay Peter, you kinda killing me" I said, I felt my face getting red before he final stopped

"Sorry, I'm just excited that I finally have someone around my age to tall to" he smiled

"HEY!!! What about me?" Ariana folded her arms

"Well I mean a guy" he said, she rolled her eyes

"Okay I guess the greetings are over with, Wanda you will train with him and help him get his powers under control" Nick walked out leaving me just standing there. I didn't know exactly what to do so I headed for the doors

'Where are you going?' The voice stopping me dead in my tracks, and I turned around and saw Wanda standing up

'Out, don't worry I plan on coming back eventually' we were talking to each other using telepathy

'Okay but please let Peter come with you, you guys need to get to know each other better and as you could tell from that death hug he's really excited to have you here' I looked at her and then at him

"Fine" I said out loud this time making everyone look at me

"Pete" he was already looking at me

"Let's go" I turned around and started walking

He scrambled to his feet "Where are we going?"


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