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I know
He didn't love me
But I adore him




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Taehyung awkwardly ate his breakfast. He looked down and chewed his food slowly.

Jungkook and Bogum were of course, glaring at each other. Mostly Jungkook.

Jungkook angrily stabbed his food as he chewed aggressively. He was imagining the food as Bogum.

" Hyung? "

His ears perked up when Taehyung called Bogum.

" Yes tae..? "

Bogum looked up from his food to looked at Taehyung.

" How do you know I live here? "

" Oh.. I follow your scent. And I'm really desperate so I kinda asked a witch for your whereabouts.. "

" why? "

Bogum sighed. He looked down.

" Your parents are sick Taehyung. They want to see you.. "

Taehyung nodded. He stayed silent after hearing Bogum's answer. No words coming out from his mouth.

Jungkook glared at both of them feeling ignored. He did not pay attention to what they both were talking about as he kept on thinking about how to kill Bogum.

Taehyung gulped down his strawberry milk and stood up, gaining attention from both Jungkook and bogum.

" Uhh. I'll go change my clothes.. "

Taehyung said and hurriedly when inside his room.

As soon as Taehyung's bedroom door slammed shut, Jungkook glared back at Bogum.

He finished his food and washed the dishes. Bogum just walked around the house, looking at some pictures framed on the wall.

" Bogum. Can I ask you something? "

Jungkook knew that he was supposed to call Bogum ' hyung ' but he had already considered the man as his enemy so he will never ever called him hyung.

Bogum hummed as a response. He took an album full of pictures from the drawer and sat on the couch at the living room.

" What are you doing here? "

Bogum stopped all of his movements. He looked up at Jungkook with blank face.

He closed the album and put it down on his lap.

" I- "

" Hyung,  Let's go! "

Bogum was cut off by Taehyung who was smiling happily. Jungkook looked at his hyung in confusion.

" Where are you going hyung? "

He askee as he scanned Taehyung's outfits.

Taehyung was wearing a white silk shirt with some patterns on it and a black tight pants that was hugging his perfect ass perfectly.

" I'm going to visit my parents. It's been a long time and they are sick so they want to meet me before they die. Honestly I don't want to but I had to. "

Taehyung explained. He doesn't really hated his parents. It just they were really protective of him and always took his freedom away. He kind of grew tired and fed up of his parent. They always tried to control his life.

" Can I go with you? "

Jungkook asked. Bogum shook his head.

" I don't think that's a good idea. "

Bogum said. He knew how protective Taehyung's family was. They will killed that boy the second they knew he was living with their precious son.

Jungkook glared at him and looked at Taehyung with his big doe eyes. Hm

" Please.... "

Taehyung shook his head and jungkook pouted. He let out a whine.

" I'm sorry kook but no.. "

" But- "

" No means no Jungkook. I'm sorry but you can't go with me. "

Jungkook huffed and crossed his arms.

" Fine. "

Taehyung sighed and ruffled Jungkook's hair.

" When I came back let's do anything you want okay? "

Taehyung shook his head a bit when he received no response from Jungkook. He smiled seeing Jungkook act like a baby.

He was a baby. An overgrown baby.

" Bye kookie. Be a good boy until hyung came back.. "

Taehyung said and kissed Jungkook's forehead gently.

He followed Bogum out and closed the door.

Jungkook waited until Taehyung and Bogum were out of his sight.

He smirked when he think of an idea.

He walked out and ran to someone's house. He knocked on the door and smiled sweetly at the person who opened the door.

" Hyung. I need your help "

Jungkook being Jungkook, he won't give up and always finds a way to get what he wants.

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