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Meeting you was fate,
Becoming your friends was
a choice,
Falling in love with you
Are beyond my control.



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Taehyung's eyes fluttered open. His vision was kind of blurry. He blinked trying to look properly.

He looked around and widen his eyes when he realized that he was at Hoseok's house.

He touched the thing that look like cat in his hand. The cat's eyes was closed and the purple line on its body had turned black.

He put it in his pocket and quickly ran to Hoseok's room. He knocked— more like banging on the door.

The door opened and a sleepy Hoseok showed up from behind the door. A sleepy Yoongi hugged Hoseok from behind the wizard. He put his head on Hoseok's shoulder.

"Taehyung? What are you doing here? It's 2 am in the fucking morning."
Yoongi said clearly annoyed.

Taehyung, ignoring the fact that Yoongi was shirtless and was sleeping in Hoseok's room,  grabbed Hoseok's shoulder and start to shake the still sleepy wizard.

Taehyung blurred out.

( Jungkook is in heat and he attack me. And the worst part is he is an alpha )

Hoseok blinked. Before he could even mutter a word, someone cut him off.


A voice was heard from Hoseok's room and a loud crash then a panicked and nervous looking wolf ran out from the room and jumped on Taehyung.

"Did he mark you? What happen?" Jimin asked. Before Taehyung could answer him, Jimin ripped off Taehyung's shirt.

There was a number of hickeys and Jimin could smell Jungkook's scent on Taehyung.

He sighed in relief when he saw no mating mark.

Hickeys and mating mark were different. Hickeys can disappear and mating mark can't.

They will only disappear if one of the mated pair was dead or when the mated pair end their bond by rejecting each other.

Mating mark was placed on the crook of the neck and a little up from the shoulder.

"I'm glad he didn't mark you.. " Jimin said. He let Taehyung go. He suddenly remembered something.

"Hoseok-hyung! What are the moon colour today?" He suddenly ask.

"Uhh. Red and blue?" Hoseok said after he looked out the window.

Jimin sighed and curse out.

"Why are you- oh wait now I remember" Hoseok said.  A book magically appeared in front of him and Hoseok searched for something.

"What are you guys talking about? What about the moon? Why do you guys look so serious?" Taehyung asked but was ignored.

He pouted and shivered a bit because his shirt was ripped off by Jimin. Yoongi sighed and snapped his finger.

A shadow surrounded Taehyung's body. The vampire panicked a bit. The shadow disappeared and a black shirt appeared on Taehyung.

"Thank you hyung. " Taehyung said. He smiled softly. Yoongi only nodded and went back to his room to continue sleeping.

But before he could lay on the bed and dreamt again, Hoseok just had to  used his freaking magic and brought him back to them.

"The fuck you want?" Yoongi growled out. He was clearly annoyed.

"we need your help. " Hoseok said without looking at Yoongi. His face clearly shows he got no times for Yoongi's bullshit about sleeping.

Yoongi glared at Hoseok. He sighed and cross his arms.

"This is why I hate humans. " He mumbled out but unfortunately Hoseok heard him.

"I'm a wizard and I'm half demon. My mom is half fairy and my grandpa is demon so technically I'm not really a human." Hoseok said.

Yoongi groaned. He gave up.

"You are lucky I love you or i would have kill you" Yoongi muttered out.

Taehyung looked at them, still confused.

"what are you guys talking about? What's wrong with Jungkook? "

Hoseok looked at Taehyung . He showed Taehyung the book. It had a picture of a moon and a wolf.

Taehyung stared at the page. He furrowed his eyesbrows and looked at Hoseok while smiling sheepishly.

"You know that I can't read magician's language right? Especially the ancient one "

Hoseok sighed. He used his magic to translate the book. Now all the pages were written in a language that Taehyung could understand.

"A blue and red moon. A rare thing to happen. This moon only shows up when the king of wolves is chosen . Usually happen once in 10 000 years.

The werewolf that get chosen will be in heat for the first time and was the only werewolf that was in heat that night. According from research. The chosen wolf only came from the Jeon pack. " Taehyung read out loud.

"but didn't Jeon pack are only a legend? They exist? "

"No. The pack exist. They are hidden somewhere in the world. The last king of the wolves died. " Jimin explained.

"But I thought the king of wolves are immortal? They can live forever right?" Taehyung asked.

" The king if wolves is not that invisible. They can only be killed by someone who shares the same blood with them. Like their children or family "


"What are we waiting for? Let's go stop the brat from destroying the world" Yoongi groaned angrily.

He need to sleep and Jeon fucking Jungkook just had to choose the wrong time to be in heat.

Now he had to help Hoseok and the others stop Jungkook.

" I didn't get paid enough for this "

Yoongi sighed. Hoseok looked at his grumpy boyfriend. He kissed Yoongi's cheek.

" I'm sorry Hyung. But tae need our help. "

He said with a guilty smile. Yoongi groaned and looked away. He muttered a small " fine " under his breath.

"Let's go" Hoseok said. He used his magic to teleport them to Taehyung's house.

His pup √ [ Book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now