Chapter One ▫ Invitation.

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Santana's POV

It's been two months since school started and already I'm tired of everyone.

Quinn Fabray being the main person.

Quinn has hated me since our freshman year and the reason is still unknown to me. I on the other hand have a reason for hating Quinn.

During our Sophomore year she outed me to our entire grade and of course word got around. I hadn't even told anyone that I was gay. I guess my staring at Cheerios practice wasn't so subtle. After Quinn told everyone I was demoted to the bottom of the cheer pyramid. My group of "friends" ditched me and for a while school was hell. 

That summer I worked my ass off to look good and build my confidence up. Thanks to my hard work my Junior year was a hell of a lot better. I found a new group of friends and I had girls and guys interested in me. Everyone was over the shock of me being gay.

Now here I am Senior year and I'm just Santana Lopez. Not "That gay girl Santana Lopez" or "That Cheerio Santana Lopez" but Santana Lopez.

Quinn thinks she's so much better than me just because she's captain of the Cheerios and has the captain of the football team as her boyfriend. Who would be proud of having chubby Finn Hudson as a boyfriend? The guy isn't even all that cute. Quinn wouldn't even be dating him if it wasn't for the fact that their relationship increases her popularity.

I open my locker to put my books inside only to have it slam shut. I glare at the person responsible and see that it's the devil herself.

Quinn leans against my locker.



Quinn:(Glares)Don't call me that.

Santana:Well it's your name.

Quinn:(Rolls her eyes)Anyway I came to invite you to my party tonight.

Santana:I'm sorry what?

Quinn:(Rolls her eyes)My sister is coming to visit and my parents are letting me throw a party to welcome her back. Are you coming or not?


Quinn:(Sighs)Yes or no Lezpez?

Santana:(Slowly stops laughing)Oh...was that a serious question?

Quinn:I wouldn't waste my time joking with you.

Santana:In that case no. I'm not attending.

Quinn:Fine by me just don't ever say I didn't try to do you a favor.

Santana:Trust me I won't.

Quinn:(Scuffs)Whatever. (Walks away).

I go back to my previous task.

Quinn had the nerve to ask me something like that as if she thought I'd actually say yes. That's crazy.

Once school is over I grab the things I need for my homework and make my way to the parking lot. As I get closer I see my best friend Rachel standing near my car glaring at something. I stop and follow where her eyes are aimed. She's glaring at Quinn and Finn making out against his car. It's honestly a disgusting sight.

I walk over to Rachel and before I can speak she begins to rant.

Rachel:Look at them. Finn deserves so much better. Quinn is a huge... a huge-


Rachel:Yes and she's-

Santana:A pain in the ass?


Santana:(Shakes her head and chuckles)Calm down Berry. One day Finn will see that Quinn is all of that and then they'll break up. He will fall for you and you can get married. Then you can have chubby annoying babies.

Rachel:You know as long as I've known you that's the nicest thing you have ever said to me.

Santana:(Laughs)Shut up and get in the car.

As I drive Rachel home I decide to bring up Quinn's invitation.

Santana:Guess who had the nerve to invite me to their party?


Santana:Yeah. How did you know?

Rachel:She invited me too.

Santana:(Glances at Rachel)And what did you say?

Rachel:(Looks out of the window and mumbles).

Santana:What was that?

Rachel:I said yes.

Santana:Rachel why!? Why would you say yes to that witch!?

Rachel:Ok one please keep it down. I'm right next to you there is no need to yell. Two I said yes because I hardly get invited to stuff Santana and I would like this year to be different.

Santana:(Groans)But Rachel it's Quinn. The girl who was all over your man.

Rachel:Well the party isn't really for her. It's to welcome her sister back to Lima.


Rachel:I'm going and I would like it if you went too. I'm not very familiar with the whole party scene.

Santana:I'm not going to that party Rachel.

Rachel:Santana please.

Santana:There's no way I'm letting Quinn think I actually wanna be around her.

Rachel:Don't look at it that way. Look at it as you helping a friend have fun.

I honestly hate the fact that Rachel can make me feel sorry for her with the way she words things.

Rachel and I have been friends since Sophomore year and she's always been there for me. I kinda owe her even if I do have to be in the same vicinity as Quinn.

As I pull up to Rachel's house I give her my answer.

Santana:I'll think about it.

Rachel:We both know you're gonna go so see you tonight. Pick me up at eight o'clock. (Grabs her stuff and gets out).

So much for suspense.

I pull off and go to my house to get my homework done before they party.

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