Chapter Fifteen ▫ Story of Obsession.

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Brittany's POV

I close the door and toss my keys onto the stand off to the side. I start walking towards the stairs when I trip over something and fall to the floor. Letting out a groan I bring myself to my feet. When I collect myself I look down and spot the object that caused me to fall.

My sister's shoe.

Brittany:(Angrily yells)Quinn!

I snatch up the shoe and stomp my way to Quinn's room. When I walk in I see her sitting on the floor laughing with one of her friends.

Quinn:(Looks at Brittany)What are you doing in here? Get out.

Brittany:(Glares at Quinn)How many times has mom told you not to leave your shoes in the entryway?

Quinn:(Rolls her eyes)You're snapping over a pair of shoes? Someone's not getting any.

Brittany:(Cleanches her jaw)Just keep your damn shoes out of people's way. (Throws the shoe on the ground and walks out).


Later that night I find myself in the living room eating chips and scrolling through channels. It's around two in the morning when I see a figure out of the corner of my eye and nearly piss myself. I quickly turn on the lamp and see that it's only Quinn's friend.

Brittany:(Holds her chest)What are you doing!?

"I didn't mean to scare you. I couldn't sleep."

Brittany:(Relaxes)Quinn's snoring?


Brittany:I guess you can chill down here for a bit.


She doesn't say anything else as she sits on the couch next to me and focuses on the t.v.. We sit in silence for what seems like hours as some cliche show about a family and their wild adventures plays on the screen.

When I can't take the silence anymore I finally decide to make conversation.

Brittany:(Clears her throat)So how did you and my sister become friends...?



Peyton:Well I tried out for the Cheerios and when I made the team we just kinda clicked.

Brittany:Is it annoying being her friend? Sometimes it's annoying being her sister.


Brittany:(Smiles)What? I'm being serious.

Peyton:She's not annoying. At least not all the time.

Brittany:(Laughs)Finally someone who gets me.

Peyton and I talk about Quinn a little more before changing the topic to her plans after high school and my plans after graduation. After an hour or two of just talking I decide to head up to bed and so does Peyton.

When I went to sleep I didn't know I had awoken something dark.


Two weeks after Quinn's sleepover I begin seeing Emma Snow. She is the prettiest senior at McKinley and we have been talking for awhile. Word got around fast and everyone loves us as a couple.

Everyone but Peyton.

Brittany:(Smiles)You know I don't mind walking you to class.

Emma:(Smiles and kisses Brittany's cheek)I know you don't but if you do I won't let you leave.

Brittany:(Steps closer)I don't mind that either.

Emma:(Laughs and playfully pushes Brittany's shoulder).


As I try to convince Emma to let me take her to class Peyton walks up to us. She sends a glare towards Emma before turning her attention to me.

Brittany:Um hey Peyton.

Peyton:(Forces a smile)Hi. Can I talk to you?

Brittany:(Glances at Emma)Can it wait? I'm kinda-

Peyton:No it can't wait. I need to talk to you now.

Brittany:I'm sure it-

Emma:Brittany don't worry about it. (Glances at Peyton)I'll see you during lunch. (Walks away).

Brittany:(Sighs and looks at Peyton)What is it?

Peyton:I can't believe you. We spend the night together and two weeks later you're messing with some bimbo?

Brittany:(Looks around)Woah we did not "spend the night together". We talked for awhile and that's all.

Peyton:Brittany don't say that. It was more than that and we both know it.

Brittany:You got the wrong idea from that night. You're a freshman and my sister's friend that's all. Nothing happened and nothing will ever happen between us. I'm sorry Peyton.

As soon as I finish speaking I walk off towards my class. Part of me feels bad for Peyton. I snapped at her when she obviously has a crush on me but the other part of me knows that's what had to be done.

The rest of the week goes by smoothly. Emma and I are happy and Peyton seemed to understand what I was telling her.

Or so I thought.

When Friday hits things start to go bad. Someone had slashed Emma's tires during school. The Monday after someone spray painted the word "Whore" on her garage. Tuesday photoshopped pictures of her naked got put up all over school. Wednesday someone put hair remover in her shampoo bottle during her swim practice and the last straw is when she almost gets hit by a car.

Her parents are convinced someone is out to get her and since the police won't help they quickly pack up their bags and leave Lima. It breaks my heart when she leaves but I know it's  for the best. Much like her parents I'm  not sure it's safe for her to be here.

I never suspect Peyton until about a week after Emma and her parents leave town.

I'm in the locker room changing my clothes after Gym when Peyton walks in.

Brittany:What are you doing in here?

Peyton:I've been meaning to come talk to you. I heard about Emma.

Brittany:(Sighs)Everyone heard about Emma. She didn't deserve any of that.

Peyton:I mean... It's not all bad.

Brittany:(Looks at Peyton)Excuse me?

Peyton:I just meant that you're single now. Maybe we can finally have a fair shot.

Brittany:Peyton what are you talking about? I explained to you that-

Peyton:Yeah I know what you said then but things are different now. Emma's out of the picture. That's what we both wanted.

I let what she was saying sink in for a minute then everything clicks.

Brittany:Peyton did you have something to do with all the things that happened to Emma?

Peyton:Stop bringing her up! We can be together now. We can finally be together.

Brittany:No Peyton we can't. We will never be together. Nothing has changed and if I find out that Emma leaving is your fault I will have you arrested.

With that I grab my stuff and quickly leave the locker room.

I spend days, weeks even months trying to connect Peyton to the things done to Emma but I can't and eventually I give up.

I lose my high school sweetheart because of a young girl with an obsession.


I refuse to let that happen again.

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