Chapter Seventeen ▫ Cake? Cake.

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Santana's POV

When school ends I meet up with Rachel and Quinn by the steps near the entrance to see if they've heard anything from Peyton. I've been trying all day and still nothing.

Quinn:(Walks over with Rachel)Did you get anything?

Santana:No. The phone number doesn't ring and there's no replies to my messages.

Quinn:Same on our end. Rachel wants to head over to her house after Glee rehearsals.

Rachel:I'm worried.

Santana:I am too. I wanna go with you guys but I have the dinner tonight. My dad is waiting for me.

Rachel:Don't worry we understand. We'll text you if anything happens. Just enjoy yourself tonight.


We say our goodbyes then I go to my dad's car and we head home to make sure everything for tonight is perfect.


Getting everything set up isn't easy. Carlos and my dad kept getting into little arguments over the simplest things. My mom was frustrated with them and kept messing up on dinner. Eventually my dad and Carlos stopped being immature and my mom put together a feast. She made mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, baked chicken, homemade rolls and chocolate cake.

Once the table is set I rush upstairs to get ready seeing as I only have forty-five minutes until Brittany would be here. I shower then put my hair in a neat ponytail before slipping into a black pair of skinny jeans and a gray V-neck. I'm slipping on my socks when I hear a knock come from downstairs. I look over myself in the mirror one last time before heading down.

When I get downstairs I'm greeted by the sight of my mom releasing Brittany from a hug and let a small smile form on my face. Brittany looks up and our eyes meet. She smiles wide before walking over and hugging me.

Brittany:Hey you.


Maribel:When you two are ready join us in the kitchen.

Santana:Ok mami.

Maribel:(Smiles and walks away).

Brittany:(Kisses Santana).

Santana:Mmm. (Kisses back).

Brittany:(Kisses deeper).

Santana:(Moans softly).

Brittany:(Slowly pulls away).

Santana:(Lets out a shaky breath)Woah. What was that?

Brittany:(Smirks)You didn't like it?

Santana:I loved it. I'm not complaining I just-

Brittany:It's payback for earlier.

Santana:You little-

"Don't take too long girls."

Brittany:(Smiles and walks away).

Santana:(Shakes her head and follows Brittany).

Carlos:It's about time. What was holding you two up?

Santana:(Looks at Brittany).

Brittany:I had to answer a quick work call.

Santana:(Holds back a smile).

Michael:Come join us.

Brittany and I walk over to the table and find our seats. My mom and dad are on the ends of the table. Carlos is to my mom's left, I'm to my mom's right with Brittany next to me and my dad next to her. We quietly make our plates of food and start eating.

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