Chapter Eight ▫ Ice Cream.

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Santana's POV

The days go by and before I know it I'm getting ready to face Quinn on Friday morning.

I spent the week figuring out what I was gonna do to show Quinn that she can't scare me. During this time Brittany continued to call and text me but I didn't respond until I was sure I was ready to stand up to Quinn.

Last night I sent Brittany a text asking to talk and she told me I could stop by her shop after school. She didn't seem upset but I know deep down she's probably confused and maybe hurt.

When I pick up Rachel like I do every Friday I explain to her that I won't be staying the whole day. After dealing with Quinn I doubt I'll have the energy to focus. As soon as I'm parked I get out of the car with Rachel right on my heels.

On my way to the school's doors I see Brittany getting into her car but she stops when she hears Rachel calling after me. I glance at her and keep walking. She had to have just dropped Quinn off. That's the only reason she would be here. Seeing her throws me off my game because I had planned on seeing her when I was a little calmer.

I thought Brittany continued to get in her car but I'm proven wrong when I hear her voice behind me along with Rachel's.

Brittany:Santana what's going on? Is everything ok?

Santana:It will be. (Walks into the school).

Brittany:(Follows and looks at Rachel)Do you know what's going on?

Rachel:(Shrugs)No clue.

I go directly to Quinn's locker attracting attention in the hallway with my quick movements. When I spot her my mind is no longer distracted by Brittany's presence. I slam her locker shut then turn her around and push her against the hard metal.

Brittany:(Steps forward).

Rachel:(Grabs Brittany's arm)I wouldn't.

Brittany:(Watches Santana and Quinn).

Quinn:(Shocked)What the hell is your problem!?

Santana:My problem is you Fabray. You think that threatening me is gonna get you what you want?

Quinn:(Glances at Brittany).

Santana:I'm so tired of your shit. Everyone else in this bullshit school might be afraid of you but I'm not. You may have been able to break me back then but not this time. Do your worst bitch but trust me whatever you throw at me I'll hit your ass twice as hard when I come back.

Quinn's stunned and speechless. Before anyone can say anything I turn around and start heading out of the school and to my car.

Holy shit that felt so good. All my fear of history repeating itself disappeared when I remembered who the hell I use to be and who the hell I am now.

I get to my car and catch my breath. That whole thing brought my heart rate way up.

Someone grabs my arm and turns me around.

It's Rachel.

Santana:Jesus Rachel! I almost punched you in the throat! I thought Quinn wanted to test me.

Rachel:What the hell was that!?

Santana:It's a long story but I promise I'll explain later.

Rachel:You're lucky the bell rings soon. Call me later?



Rachel turns and heads back into school. As she goes in Brittany walks out. She looks around before we make eye contact then she starts to march over. I try to remember what I was gonna say to her when I talked to her later but I can't.

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