Chapter Eleven ▫ She's Not My Girlfriend.

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Santana's POV

When I tell Rachel and Peyton we're gonna be eating with Brittany and Quinn Rachel starts to protest right away. Peyton's whole mood changes. She snaps at Rachel to shut up and get her stuff. I stare at her confused by her sudden mood flip but shake it off.

We walk over to Quinn and Brittany and it looks like Brittany has just told Quinn that we're gonna be eating with them.

Santana:Hey guys.

Brittany:Uh hey. (Looks at Quinn).


Santana:(Clears her throat)Brittany you've seen Rachel before and Peyton said you two knew each other.

Brittany:(Looks at Peyton)Did she?

Peyton:(Hugs Brittany)Long time no see.

Brittany:(Clenches her jaw and hugs Peyton).

Peyton:(Slowly pulls away).

Rachel:(Awkwardly coughs).

What the hell was that? I get that Peyton thinks Brittany's attractive but come on.

Relax Santana Peyton's always like this. You're just jealous because you like Brittany a lot. Right.

Santana:So let's go get our food.

Brittany:I should stay with Quinn. I'll go when you guys get back.

Rachel:You don't have to. I uh I don't mind waiting with her.

Santana:(Quickly looks at Rachel)You don't?

Rachel:Not at all.

Brittany:(Looks at Quinn)Do you mind Q? I'll be quick.

Quinn:(Shrugs)As long as she's not too annoying.

Brittany:Be nice. We'll be back.

Brittany, Peyton and I leave Rachel and Quinn alone. I glance back making sure Rachel hasn't changed her mind and to my surprise she's actually talking to Quinn. I turn back around and see that it's just me and Brittany. Peyton is walking away.

Santana:Where is she going?

Brittany:To the restroom. She said she'll meet us back at the table.

Santana:Oh ok.

Brittany:What do you wanna eat?

Santana:Hmm...I could really go for a burrito bowl.

Brittany:Chipotle it is.

She takes my hand and leads us to the line for Chipotle. Luckily it's short. We stay quiet until we get to the front of the line and order. I get a steak bowl and Brittany gets the chicken bowl.

After we get our food we go back to the table and see that Peyton still isn't back. As Brittany and I take our seats across from each other I bring up her absence.

Santana:Have you guys seen Peyton? She said she'd meet us back here.

Rachel:Yeah she said that she was gonna head home. She wasn't feeling good.

Santana:How did she get home? I'm her ride.

Rachel:She took a cab.

Santana:Weird. She didn't have to do that we could've all just left together.

Rachel:(Shrugs)I'm gonna get my food. I'll be back. (Stands and walks away).

Santana:I should text her to make sure she's ok.

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