Chapter Five ▫ I'll Let You Feed Me.

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Santana's POV

I seriously hate working with people. They can be so rude sometimes and as an employee I have to bite my tongue. If I could find a good paying part time job working with animals I'd definitely take it.

I look at the clock on the wall and sigh happily when I see that it's time for my break. I close my register before heading to the break room to grab my wallet and phone.

During my breaks I love to go to the Lima Bean and grab a coffee with a muffin. I have an hour to eat and get some of my homework done.

As I'm heading out someone calls my name. I turn around and see Finn jogging towards me with none other than a persistent blonde behind him.


Santana:Hello man boobs.

Finn:Haha very funny. How's it going?

Santana:Fine. I was just heading out on my break.

Finn:Oh my bad. I just wanted to say hey.


Just then Brittany appears next to Finn and smiles at me.



Finn:(Looks at Brittany then at Santana).

Santana:(Glances at Finn).

Brittany:Finn go get the milk and take your time.

Finn:Take my time? It's just milk.

Brittany:(Looks at Finn)Take. Your. Time.

Finn:Uh alright. It was great seeing you Santana. (Walks away).

I can't help but laugh. Finn's like twice Brittany's size yet he looked genuinely scared for his life.

Brittany:(Watches Finn)Idiot.

Santana:I see your whole older sibling thing went well.

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)It continues to go well.


Brittany:So you work here?


Brittany:And here I thought I'd never see you again.

Santana:(Chuckles)Lima is a small town. Your sister and I go to the same school. You were bound to see me again.

Brittany:Very true.

Santana:So what are you doing here with Finnocence?

Brittany:(Chuckles)He's staying over for dinner and my mom needed milk. I brought him along because him and Quinn are too sketchy when they're alone.

Santana:Well Quinn is sketchy all on her own.


Santana:(Groans)I keep forgetting she's your sister. I'm sorry I'm just really not fond of her.

Brittany:(Shakes her head)Hey that's fine. Quinn is a lot to deal with. I love her but I'm not afraid to put her in her place.

Santana:Such an amazing older sister.

Brittany:I try.

Santana:(Smiles softly).

Brittany:So where were you headed?

Santana:To the Lima Bean. I go there on my break when I have time.

Brittany:And here I am cutting in on that time.

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