Chapter Thirteen ▫ She's Innocent.

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Brittany's POV

When I open my eyes I'm surrounded by darkness. With every second I slowly start to remember everything. Santana's house. Movie night. I must've fallen asleep.

I turn and glance at the clock on Santana's bedside table.


I yawn and sit up on my elbows looking around. The tv is just a black screen and the only light in the room is coming from the streetlights outside. I look to my right and see Santana sleeping soundly and I can't help but smile softly.

Carefully I pull myself out of the bed and stretch. Without much thought I walk over to the window and glance out at the street. I notice a car parked across the street from the house. It's the only car on the street and it looks so out of place.


My head snaps towards the groggy voice and I see Santana propped up on one elbow squinting at me.

Brittany:It's me babe.

Santana:What are you doing?

Brittany:I was just-

I look out towards the street again and the car is gone. Not thinking about it too much I turn back to Santana.

Brittany:I was just stretching.

Santana:Come back to bed.

I chuckle at how sleepy Santana is before slowly making my way back to bed. The minute I'm under the blanket Santana cuddles into my side and drapes her arm across my stomach. I gently run my fingers through her hair.

Santana:(Hums)What time is it?

Brittany:Going on one.

Santana:(Mumbles)Why are you up?

Brittany:That's a good question.

Santana:Is everything ok?

Brittany:Yeah everything's fine. Everything's great.


Brittany:(Rubs Santana's back).

Santana:I'm really excited about the festival.

Brittany:(Smiles)Me too. I was so nervous buying those tickets.

Santana:(Looks up at Brittany)Why?

Brittany:You know. I thought maybe you'd think it was too soon into the relationship to take trips together.

Santana:Relationship huh?

Brittany:(Playfully rolls her eyes)Yes Santana relationship.

Santana:Using that word would imply that we're girlfriends.

Brittany:(Smirks)Is that a problem?

Santana:Not at all.

Brittany:Good. Now get some sleep.

Santana:Ok girlfriend.

Brittany:(Smiles and stares at the ceiling).

The room becomes quiet again as Santana slowly falls back to sleep.

This is something I could get accustomed to. Santana asleep in my arms and the only sound in the room are her soft snores and my steady breathing.


Santana's POV

Brittany pulls into a parking space then turns off the car.

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