Chapter Fourteen ▫ It's You.

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Brittany's POV

Today is a slow day at the shop so I send everyone home early and decide to work on the cars myself. I love being in the shop alone. It gives me the opportunity to be fully focused on my tasks.

I wipe my hands and look at the new tires I just put on a truck. Beautiful.

My phone rings and I assume it's Santana because she said she would call me around lunch time so I answer without hesitation.

Brittany:Hey babe. How's your day going?


Brittany:San you there?


I pull the phone away from my ear and look at the screen. The number says unknown. I grip the phone tighter and put it back to my ear.

Brittany:Who is this?


Brittany:I said who-

"You're going to get her hurt Brittany."

The stranger hangs up leaving me worried and pissed by their words.

Memories of that summer flash in my head. The ringing from my phone is the only thing that snaps me back to reality. I look at the contact name before answering and let out a sigh of relief when I see that it's Santana.


"Hey Britt. Is everything ok? You sound...panicked.

Brittany:Yeah I'm fine everything's good.

"You sure?"

Brittany:Yes babe I'm sure.

"Alright if you say so."

Brittany:How has your day been?

"It's been...eventful."

Brittany:Eventful? It's only just hitting lunch time.

"Tell me about it. I walked in today and someone had decided to vandalize my locker."

Brittany:What? Do you know who?

"No. No one saw anything. I almost blamed Quinn but she has an interesting and provable alibi"

I zone out of the conversation. This is all too familiar. The text, the phone call, the destruction of property. It's happening again only this time I'm putting a stop to it before anyone gets hurt.

"Britt? Babe are you there?"

Brittany:Y-yeah San I'm here but it's getting busy so I should probably get back.

"Me too Rachel and Quinn are waiting."

Brittany:(Smiles)I'm glad you guys are getting along.

"Since you've been back she's been less of a bitch."

Brittany:(Chuckles)I'm glad to hear that. I'll text you later ok?

"Alright I'll miss you."

Brittany:I'll miss you too. Bye.


I hang up the phone then send a text before going to clean myself up.


I glance around the small cafe for what seems like the one hundredth time. Finally in walks the blonde I'm looking for. She makes her way to the table with a wide smile on her face. Just seeing it makes my blood boil.

"Britt it's good to see you."

Brittany:Peyton sit down.

Peyton:Wow someone's fussy. (Sits across from Brittany). Did you order for us? I'm starved.


Peyton:(Looks at Brittany)Excuse me?

Brittany:(Clenches her jaw)You must think I'm an idiot.

Peyton:(Smirks)Britt you know exactly what I think about you.

Brittany:(Bangs her hands on the table)Peyton!

I glance around the cafe and see that my frustration has caused some unwanted attention. I take a deep breath and look at Peyton.

Brittany:I know it's you ok? It needs to stop or else.

Peyton:This again? I told you the first time that I'm not behind the text.

Brittany:I'm also guessing you didn't call me earlier? Or vandalize Santana's locker?

Peyton:Oh my Santana's locker was vandalized? I'll have to text her later.

Brittany:Cut the crap I know it's you. It was you then and it's you now.

Peyton:Funny. You couldn't prove it then and you can't prove it now. Déjà vu.

Brittany:(Glares at Peyton)Look Peyton this sick obsession you have with me needs to stop. If it doesn't I'll-

Peyton:You'll what? Tell Santana? Who do you think she'll believe her best friend or her new girlfriend? Or are you gonna call the cops? Not much they can do with a lousy text and a phone call.

She's right. Santana and her have been friends for awhile and I just entered the picture. The police will turn me away with the "evidence" I have. All I can do is sit back and wait for her to slip up.

Peyton:(Looks at her phone)This has been fun but I should get home. I'm "sick" and need to rest. We should do this again. (Winks and leaves).

I watch her and angrily drag my hand through my hair. I decide to stay a little longer and think of how to defuse this situation before things explode.

I could go to the police just to be safe and see what they have to offer as far as advice.

I could tell Santana the truth about Peyton and give her a heads up. I'd be risking my relationship with her but she'd be safe.

All of this because of one dumb summer.

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