Chapter Twenty-Five ▫ I'm Sorry My Love.

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Brittany's POV

My breathing is slow. Sweat drips from my face onto the floor as my head hangs low. My head is pounding and my body feels so weak. I don't know how long the heat has been blowing into the room but it feels like the temperature rises every minute.

My eyes slowly begin to close but snap open when my entire body gets hit with cold water. I struggle against the ropes and bring my focus to the person who did it.

Sam stands in front of me with an empty bucket and a blank expression on his face. No words are exchanged between us for a few seconds. My body is still reacting to the sudden change in temperature and my brain feels like it's going to burst through my skull so I struggle to find words.

Sam:(Drops the bucket)I don't get it.

Brittany:(Watches Sam).

Sam:What does she see in you? I mean I was your best friend for years and even I didn't see much.

Brittany:(Clenches her jaw).

Sam:You know she loves me right?


Sam:We've been seeing each other since high school. We were gonna come out as a couple but then you ruined everything.

Brittany:(Stares at Sam).

Sam:You made her fall in love with you and she dumped me. Then you broke her heart and left her all alone. (Shakes his head)You have no idea how happy I was when she called me a few months ago. She promised that once she was done with you it'd be just me and her again.


Brittany:(Speaks weakly)You wanna know something?

Sam:(Looks at Brittany).

Brittany:You two deserve each other. You're both batshit crazy.

Before I can blink Sam's fist collides with my jaw and pain shoots through my face. I let out a loud groan as Sam grabs my face tightly.

Sam:Don't you ever talk about her that way.

Brittany:(Stares at Sam).

"What the hell is going on here?"

Sam:(Let's go of Brittany and turns around)Peyton I thought you were finishing up everything.

Peyton:(Looks at Brittany and gasps)What did you do to her?

Sam:(Steps away from Brittany)She wouldn't shut up so I-

Peyton:(Walks over to Brittany then glares at Sam)I told you not to touch her. You idiot I swear you're so lucky I'm still keeping you around.

Sam:Peyton I-

Peyton:Go pull the car around. It's the easiest job in the world even you can do it.

Sam:(Glares at Brittany and walks out).

Peyton rolls her eyes as Sam leaves the room then turns her attention to me. She takes her thumb and swipes it across my bottom lip. When she pulls away her thumb is now red and I lick my lips tasting blood.

Peyton:(Wipes her thumb on her pants)Don't worry. We'll get you patched up once we get where we're going.

Brittany:(Coughs)Peyton I'm not going with you.

Peyton:(Smiles)It's cute that you sound so sure of that.

Brittany:(Takes a deep breath)Think about it Peyton. Do you really think I'd come here alone? (Coughs)And not have a plan?

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