Chapter Nine ▫ Excuses and Good Nights.

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Brittany's POV

After leaving Santana with the biggest smile on my face I head to the garage. When I walk in I'm greeted by several employees.

"Yo Pierce welcome to work."

Brittany:Good to be here. So what was so important Spike?

Spike:Hunter and Garrett called in today so we're two mechanics short.

Brittany:Just great. In that case we're gonna have to close up early tonight. I have plans.

Spike:Oh yeah? You worked everything out with that girl?

Brittany:Yeah it turns out there was some stuff going on but now it's worked out and the date is on.

Spike:Go Britt!

Brittany:(Laughs)Let's get to work Spike.

Spike laughs and goes back to the car he was working on and I change into my jumpsuit then get to work myself.

Hours go by and just before I head home I text Santana I'll be there at seven. After I lock up the shop I check the time.


Plenty of time.

The drive to the house gives me time to figure out what to say about Quinn threatening Santana. My parents have to know about it because if they don't then Quinn will think I'm not serious about what I say. I love Quinn but it's about time her behavior stopped being swept under the rug.

When I get home I park in the garage and go inside. I call everyone into the living room and one by one my mom, dad 'Russel' and Quinn come in and sit down.

Judy:What's going on honey?

Brittany:(Looks at Quinn)You wanna tell them or should I?

Quinn:(Looks down).

Russel:Tell us what? Are you pregnant? I swear if that Finn kid got you pregnant I'll-

Quinn:No dad! I'm not pregnant!

Russel:Thank god. Then what do you need to tell us?

Quinn:(Looks at Brittany).

Brittany:(Raises her left eyebrow).


Brittany:Quinn has been bothering that girl from tenth grade.

Judy:(Looks at Quinn).

Brittany:She threatened to do what she did before.

Russel:(Shakes his head)Lucy Quinn Fabray you told us you learned from your mistakes.

Quinn:I did but-

Judy:If you did then you wouldn't have thought about doing it again. What has that girl ever done to you?


Russel:Answer your mother.

Quinn:She hasn't done anything.

Russel:Then why do you continue to torment the girl?


Judy:Your sister has come all the way from California to be closer to the family and this is how you act? How do you think she feels knowing you still act this way at your age? How do you think we feel?

Quinn:(Glances at Brittany)I don't know.

Russel:Disappointed. That's how we feel.

Quinn:(Puts her head down).

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