Chapter Ten ▫ Saturday Outing.

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Santana's POV

I wake up on Saturday morning with a huge smile on my face. All I can think about is last night and how great it was.

Brittany is honestly one of the sweetest girls I've ever met. I feel so comfortable around her and I feel like I can talk about anything. After she got home last night she kept her promise and texted me. We didn't text long because we were both tired but we still texted.

As I reminisce about last night I get out of bed and freshen up before going downstairs to join my mom and Carlos in the kitchen.

Santana:Good morning mom. Carlos. What's for breakfast?

Maribel:(Looks at Santana)There's some eggs and bacon on the stove. Honey are you ok?

Santana:(Makes her plate)Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

Carlos:You seem...Cheery this morning.

Santana:(Sits at the table)I'm just... happy. (Eats).

Maribel:(Grins and glances at Carlos)So how was your date with Brittany last night?

Santana:(Sighs happily)It was great.

Carlos:What did you guys do?

Santana:We ate at this amazing restaurant and just talked.


Santana:And that wasn't even the best part.

Maribel:What was the best part?

Santana:Mami she let me eat off of her plate. Not the leftovers but her actual food that she ate with me.

Maribel:(Holds back a laugh)Wow Tana that's big.

Santana:(Eats)I know.

Carlos:Did she treat you well?

Santana:I just told you she let me eat her food.

Carlos:(Chuckles)Right. Right.

Maribel:Oh honey your father called and he said everything is set up for Christmas break. He's gonna pick you up.

Santana:I can't wait. Two more months. (Eats).

Carlos:I was thinking...maybe you spend part of Christmas here this year. Like you spend Christmas morning here then go back to Michael's house later that day.

Santana:(Looks at Carlos)Um no thanks. I always see my dad during Christmas break and I like it that way.

Carlos:(Nods)You don't have to agree to anything right now. Just think about it.

Santana:I'm not gonna think about it. It's always been that way and that's how we're gonna keep it. Right mom?

Maribel:Yes honey as long as you want to continue that way then that's what we'll do. Carlos can I speak to you in the living room?

Carlos:(Nods and walks out).


Things like this happened sometimes. Carlos would try to change how things were set up with my mom, dad and I but it never worked. We had everything figured out the minute my parents got divorced and our agreements weren't gonna change. No matter what.

As I'm sitting my dishes in the sink my phone buzzes. I pull it out of my pocket and my lock screen shows two text messages.

One from 'Charming Blonde' and one from 'PList🛍'. I open Brittany's first.

Charming Blonde - Hey. I had a great time last night I hope you did too. 😏.

I smile and type out a reply.

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