Chapter Twenty-One ▫ Witnesses and Suspects.

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Brittany's POV

Within half an hour the festival is crawling with police officers. After receiving that text I knew it was time to get them involved. I should've done that when everything first started.

There is no question as to who is behind Santana's disappearance. It could only be Peyton.

The police pull tons of people to the side and ask them questions but no one saw anything suspicious. When the police don't find any clues as to where Santana could be they decide to call in the captain before proceeding with the search.

No one moves until the captain arrives. Seeing everyone stand still for another half an hour makes my blood boil. Santana is out there somewhere and no one is doing anything.

When the captain steps out of his car he's pointed in my direction and makes his way over to me.



"I'm Captain Cooper can you tell me what happened?"

Brittany:Like I've told several other officers Santana and I were going to the main stage. She went to the restroom and didn't come back.

Cooper:Did you see her go into the restroom?

Brittany:(Shakes her head)She was walking over to stand in line before I headed to the stage. Look I've explained this already and instead of finding her you're here asking me the same shit your officers did.


Just then a scream comes from one of the booths. I'm the first person to take off running in that direction. I can hear a few officers running behind me and the others trying to keep everyone else from following.

When I get to the booth I see a girl standing behind it looking down at something. I hop over the counter of the booth and there laying on the ground is Santana.

My heart drops into my stomach and everything but the sight of Santana fades . She's not moving and there's blood coming from her head. I rush to her side and shake her lightly but she doesn't move.

As the worst thoughts enter my mind I'm pulled away from her body. Everything around me becomes clear again. Two officers are holding me back as I fight to get near Santana again. It takes a lot but they manage to get me away from her body.

Her lifeless body...

My heart is beating like crazy and my stomach begins to churn. Before I can stop myself I'm emptying everything I've eaten into a trash can with Captain Cooper standing beside me.

Brittany:(Leans over the trash can)Please. Please tell me that-

Cooper:She's not dead.

Brittany:(Quickly looks at Cooper).

Cooper:The ambulance is on it's way. We got a faint pulse.

Brittany:I need to be with her. (Turns to walk away).

Cooper:(Grabs Brittany's shoulder)It would be best if you let my team handle this.

Brittany:If your team knew what they were doing they would've found her half an hour ago.

Cooper:No one saw her body there. She was not there before.

Brittany:So what? Her body just magically appeared inside of the fucking booth?

Cooper:Or someone moved her there. With all the commotion it would've been pretty easy.

Brittany:(Looks at the ground).

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