Chapter Nineteen ▫ Make Love To Me.

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Santana's POV

After getting settled into our suite and freshening up Brittany and I decide to go out and see what Clayfront has to offer. It's a small town but it's downtown area is supposed to be amazing.

Before we head out I call my mom and dad to tell them we made it. I tell them about the amazing hotel and our plans for the evening before saying bye.

As I end the call Brittany comes out of the bathroom ready to go. When we get on the road I realize I don't know where we're going.

Santana:Hey babe?


Santana:Where are we headed?

Brittany:I thought we'd grab lunch at this live music place.

Santana:That's great because I'm starving.

Brittany:(Smiles)I had a feeling.

Santana:(Playfully rolls her eyes).

We continue to drive and I take in the city. Clayfront doesn't have huge buildings or crazy traffic. There's trees and small shops all over. I haven't travelled to many places but Clayfront is definitely the most beautiful city I've ever seen.

We pull in front of a building with a line of people waiting outside. Brittany gets out of the car and walks over to my side helping me out.

Santana:(Looks towards the entrance)Britt are you sure we can get in here?

Brittany:(Takes Santana's hand)Yeah don't worry about it.

Santana:(Walks with Brittany to the entrance).

Brittany:Hey Spencer I see Sam promoted you to a bouncer.

Spencer:Hey Britt. Yeah he's giving me a shot.

Brittany:Is he in?

Spencer:Yeah head inside he's at the bar.

Brittany:(Pats Spencer's shoulder and walks inside).

Santana:Who was that?

Brittany:He's a friend of Sam's. You'll meet him in a bit.


Brittany:(Looks towards the bar)Evans!

"Find a table in the back and I'll come to you!".

Brittany:(Walks towards the back).

Santana:(Follows)This place is nice.

Brittany:(Smiles)Yeah it is. It's a popular place.

Santana:(Slides into a booth).

Brittany:(Slides in after).

"Brittany Pierce in the flesh. It's been a long time."

Brittany:(Looks up)Sam my son it's only been a few months.

Sam:Long enough. (Looks at Santana)Who's this?

Brittany:(Smiles)Sam this is my girlfriend Santana. Santana this is Sam.

Santana:(Smiles)Nice to meet you.

Sam:Same here. Brittany always did have such a great taste in women.

Brittany:(Smiles)Why don't you hook us up with some grub. We're starving.

Sam:My pleasure. I'll grab you guys some refreshments as well. (Walks away).

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)Sam knows his food so I'm sure his choices will be good.

Santana:I'll take your word for it.

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