Chapter Six ▫ A Promise.

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Santana's POV

The next morning when I get to my locker Rachel and my other friend Peyton are standing by it laughing about something.

Santana:What could possibly be so funny at this time of morning?

Rachel:Good morning to you too Santana.

Peyton:We were just reminiscing about when I quit the Cheerios.

Santana:(Looks at Peyton)What? When did that happen?

Peyton:Afterschool yesterday.

Rachel:You should've seen all of their faces. Most of them were hanging out in the gym and she just walked in and quit.

Peyton:Yeah. I was a little disappointed though because Quinn wasn't there.

Santana:I saw her sister picking her up yesterday.

Peyton:I heard Brittany was back in town.

Rachel:You know her?

Peyton:(Nods)Back when I was friends with Quinn we hung out a couple of times.

Rachel:I always forget you guys were buddies.

Santana:Me too. How were you friends with someone like her?

Peyton:(Rolls her eyes)Younger me was as big of a bitch as she is.

Santana:Hm. (Opens her locker).

Peyton:So you've seen her right?

Santana:(Glances at Peyton)Seen who?


Santana:Yeah. We've bumped into each other a couple of times.

Peyton:And what do you think?

Santana:(Closes her locker)What do I think?

Peyton:Yeah. Do you think she's hot?


Peyton:Rachel it's a simple question. How about you? Have you seen her?

Rachel:(Blushes)W-well yes I've seen her.


Rachel:(Glances at Santana).


Rachel:(Looks at Peyton).


Rachel:(Speaks softly)She's not bad looking.

Peyton:Oh please the girl is insanely hot.



Rachel:As fun as this has been I'm gonna get to class. See you guys later.

Santana:Bye Rach.


Rachel:(Walks away).

After Rachel leaves I start walking towards the library with Peyton along side of me.



Peyton:Yeah really tell me what you think.

Santana:(Playfully rolls her eyes)She's...attractive. Very attractive and... she's funny and sweet-

Peyton:(Stops walking)Hold up.


Peyton:(Looks at Santana)You've been talking to her!

Santana:(Covers Peyton's mouth)Would you keep it down?

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