Chapter Twenty-Four ▫ Emma Snow.

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Santana's POV

Quinn and I rush into the police station and nearly knock over the person I wanted to see.

Santana:Detective Combs? What are you doing here? I thought you worked for Clayfront I was gonna have them call you.

Holly:I do but I'm borrowing an office here until your case is solved. I refused to give it up. (Looks at Quinn)Something tells me that you're related to Brittany.

Quinn:(Nods)She's my sister. She's actually the reason we're here.

Holly:So this is about the box?

Santana:(Looks at Quinn)What box?

Holly:Follow me. (Walks away).

Santana:(Follows with Quinn)You didn't mention any box.

Quinn:That's because Brittany didn't mention a box.

Holly:(Sits at her desk)Close the door.

Quinn:(Closes the door to Holly's office).

Holly:I was called in early because a very nervous blonde left this box and demanded that I be the only person to open it.

Santana:(Looks at the box)What's in it?

Holly:Our entire case against Peyton List. Brittany put together all we need to put her away.

Santana:So Peyton really did do it?

Holly:It appears so. If I would've followed that lead sooner we could have her in custody by now. I was actually on my way to see Brittany.

Quinn:She's gone.


Quinn:(Nods and hands Holly the note).

Santana:Do you mind if I look in the box?

Holly:Go ahead. (Reads the note).

While Holly reads the note Quinn and I look over what Brittany put in the box. There's hundreds of notes, phone records and photos. A few photos are of a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and amazing green eyes.

Santana:Who is this?

Quinn:(Looks at the picture)That's Emma. Her and Brittany dated during Brittany's Senior year.

Santana:(Stares at the picture).

Quinn:I remember always wanting hair like hers. Before the shampoo incident.


Quinn:(Glances at Santana then looks at Holly)So what can we do? We have to find her.

Santana:(Clears her throat and puts down the pictures).

Holly:(Puts Brittany's note in the box)Have you guys tried calling her?

Quinn:Several times. It just goes straight to voicemail.

Holly:Ok I'm going to send out some patrol cars and have a few guys go to Peyton's house and speak to her mother. You two just wait here. (Walks out).


Brittany's POV

I slowly open my eyes and groan. My vision is blurry and my neck hurts. I try to move but find myself struggling. When I can see clearly I become aware that I'm tied to a chair. My arms and legs are tightly bound with rope and there's duct tape over my mouth.

I look around the room and see a door directly across from me. Next to the door there's a foggy window. Besides a few leaky pipes, some vents and a few boxes the room is empty.

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