Chapter Eighteen ▫ In This Moment.

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Brittany's POV

When my alarm goes off signaling that it's six o'clock I quickly jump into action. Morning traffic is a pain in the ass and Clayfront is about five and a half hours away. If we get stuck in that it'll take us way longer to arrive.

When I'm done freshening up in the bathroom I get Santana up so she can go in and do the same. While she's freshening up I load up her bags into the car. I chat with Carlos and Maribel about all the things Santana and I are gonna do while in Clayfront until Santana comes down wrapped in a blanket telling me she's ready. I can't help but smile at how cute and tired she looks. "Goodbyes" and hugs go around then Santana and I head out. When Santana gets into the car she curls up in her seat and sits her feet in my lap before falling asleep again.

For the first two hours Santana is asleep and I drive in complete silence. When Santana does wake up she looks and sounds well rested.

Santana:(Sits up and stretches)Mmm how long have you been driving?

Brittany:(Glances at Santana)Only two hours. You sleep ok?

Santana:(Nods)Yeah but now I'm super fucking hungry.

Brittany:(Smiles softly)We can stop at the next diner if you want. There's one off of the next exit.

Santana:Sounds good.


Santana:I should call Rachel. (Pulls out her phone).

Brittany:Why? You miss her already?

Santana:(Playfully rolls her eyes)It's not that. We haven't heard from Peyton in awhile and we're worried. Quinn and Rachel went to her house yesterday and they were supposed to call me last night but never did.

Brittany:Maybe they wanted you to enjoy your vacation and worry about that later.

Santana:Maybe but I'm still gonna call Rachel. (Calls Rachel).

When Rachel picks up the phone Santana asks her a few questions about Peyton. I can't hear Rachel's responses but from Santana's reactions I can tell that Peyton's whereabouts are still unknown. Knowing that Peyton is nowhere to be found makes me feel uneasy but I keep my outside appearance neutral and wait for Santana to finish her phone call.

Santana:Ok thanks Rach. Tell Quinn I said thanks for trying. Bye. (Hangs up).


Santana:They went to her house and she wasn't there. Her mom said she came home a few nights ago to Peyton's room trashed and a note saying she had left. She also got a call from Peyton saying she was fine but that she wasn't coming back then her phone was disconnected.

Brittany:Well that's good right? I mean you wanted her to be ok right?

Santana:Yeah but... How could she just leave like that? She didn't even say goodbye. It's like I didn't mean shit to her. Our friendship didn't mean shit to her.

Brittany:(Grabs Santana's thigh)It's gonna be ok. I'm here for you. I don't want you to dwell on this right now though. I want you to enjoy yourself on this trip and have a good time.

Santana:(Sits her hand on top of Brittany's)You're right. We're on our way to get food and enjoy a dope ass music festival.

Brittany:(Smiles)That's right.

Santana gives my hand a squeeze then talks about how excited she is to see the diners menu until we arrive to the place.

Sally Mae's Diner.

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