Chapter Three

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Filler or chapter, up to you


Lance sat there quietly, in his old seat in between Hunk and Keith. Keith had a clear annoyed look that was directed to him, though he couldn't figure out why, and Hunk just seemed nervous. As everyone ate it was silent minus the soft clinking sounds from spoons hitting the sides of the bowls.

"Okay, Paladin's,Matt, Lance." Allura started, she looked uncomfortable. She had linked her fingers together and was switching out certain fingers randomly. "What did you think of the celebration?" In Lance's opinion it had been uneventful and the coalition planning had been worse. He couldn't handle being around them without any action happening. 

"I thought it was dull." Astra grumbled, she was curled around Lance's neck, her tail curling around his hair and his left ear. Keith glared at her.

"You didn't need to be there." He growled, the two of them had argued most of the time and Lance couldn't really stop her from making a seen when she had flung a tuna-like fish at his head.

"Why you little-" Keith started standing up with a bowl of food goo. Lance lifted his spoon and flung it at him, but he dropped down and it hit Pidge and slowly dripped off their glasses.  Keith wasted no time to chunk the bowl and Lance and Astra.

"It's on now!' Pidge snarled, throwing her own bowl at Keith, Lance had ducked and watched it hit Shiro, Pidge had gotten a bulls eye and the goo fight had escalated quickly.

Lance ducked under all of the goo filled bowls and spoons that flew around the room, getting to the goo dispenser and lifting it off of it's rack, shooting at them in the small burst of goo the machine let out each time he squeezed the handle. 

Pidge quickly tried to duck away and throw some in retaliation while running, Hunk made a strange squawking sound as he held a plate to cover his face and stood still, Shiro was using the flipped table as a shield, Allura and Coran were trying to dodge in the open since they had no food to throw, Astra had her claws snapped into Keith's forehead as she tried to stay on his shoulders while he ran away from the goo that came at him and threw multiple plates of goo (It was Allura's ad Coran's food). 

Soon the machine ran out of goo and sputtered to a stop, Lance watched as Astra had her fur puffed up and goo made some of it stick together. 

Hunk had goo dripping off his headband, Pidge had goo covering their glasses, Allura's pretty white dress was green, Coran had a green mustache that dripped with goo, Shiro was peaking out from behind the table that was covered in goo, Keith had goo dripping down the side of his face and his hands were covering the small scratches Astra gave him.

Lance made a chocking sound as he tried not to laugh at the scene in front of him, he pushed his loose hair behind his altean like ears; flicking goo off his fingers.

"Well." Allura huffed, she had used up all her energy trying to dodge, she looked skeptical at first before she started giggling as she took in everyone's appearance. Then came Coran, then Hunk and Pidge and Shiro and Keith. And Lance couldn't stop himself from laughing as well, Astra hopped back onto his shoulder, purring in amusement, all three of her eyes were shut in content.

"I think we all need to shower." Allura finished when she managed to stop laughing, everyone started to leave then. Keith headed to Lance and Astra, they didn't speak of the four years without the other, or why Lance left. They just talked about their old rivalry, then Hunk came over speaking giddily about food, Pidge began talking about her coding and her brother. Shiro stood in front of them, like their own space dad and telling them all to shower.

Lance couldn't help but pause, he knew he didn't hate his team, but they were still a long way away from forgiveness.

"You gonna stick around, Tall-ass?" Keith asked, throwing a towel over his shoulder, looking up at him with his violet eyes, Astra looked up her top eye opening with a sly look.

"Yeah, maybe for a while." He decided, he scratched behind Astra's ear and headed to his ship to shower, but not before putting it on auto-pilot to stay by the Castle-Ship. "Only a little while." he murmured to Astra who nodded in agreement.


This is more of a filler, but it is supposed to show that Lance still can relax and play around, and it is the beginning of the healing between his old team and him, and maybe some romance will start up?

Seriously, I don't know how they will get together but they will, even if is just a little.

P.S. I noticed I had gotten comments, this is one of the first stories on Wattpad that people commented on so I am proud since this has no beta-reader or editor. So thank you, if you have any idea's on scene's or event's to happen please comment. I do look at them and they are very encouraging to this story.

Again thank you, and please comment!

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